27 September 2021 – Promises & Problems – Part 4

Deuteronomy 29:9 “Therefore, obey the terms of this covenant so that you will prosper in everything you do..

All promises in the Bible can be classified into two broad categories – conditional and unconditional promises.    Unconditional promises do not require our involvement for fulfillment.  “I will never leave you nor forsake you” is an unconditional promise.  God is with us, even if we don’t acknowledge or appreciate Him. However, promises that unlock divine blessings have conditions attached to them. The conditions are not to restrict us but to restrain misuse. Obedience to the clauses of the covenant will open the door to divine favour. Obedience is the ‘promise protector’, and disobedience is the ‘promise stealer’The reward of obedience is always in the backend. Moses repeated himself several times in his farewell speech to the Israelites, throughout the book of Deuteronomy, to obey the terms and conditions of the Book of Law. Obedience was the key to live in prosperity, peace and protection in the Promised Land.

Electronic goods normally come with a ‘guarantee card’ with conditions printed in tiny letters at the back of the card.  It would say, that the manufacturer would repair or replace the item purchased if it fails to function as prescribed and promoted. But there will also be a clause that if the product is misused or damaged, the manufacturer is not liable. Promises will not come to pass if the conditions and clauses are abused, ignored or failed.

Obedience is the weight that balances the blessings on the measuring scale. As the weight of obedience becomes heavier, the measure of blessings becomes greater.

Promises and conditions come as a package:

  1. Pursue: We don’t have to pursue prosperity; we only have to be pedantic about obedience to His Word. When we pursue obedience, blessings will automatically follow. If you consent and obey, You will eat the best of the land (Isaiah 1:19). When we receive a promise from the Lord, we must understand the conditions attached. Just as we read the conditions that are attached to the “guarantee card” we must be thorough in the preconditions of the promise. Pursue obedience.
  1. Purge: For conditional promises to be fulfilled, purging would be a precondition. For example, the Lord will not be able to give us a new beginning if our vessel is dirty with the remains of past memories. Blind Bartimaeus threw the cloak that ostracized him as blind before he came to Jesus to receive sight. And throwing off his cloak, he jumped up and came to Jesus (Mark 10:50). Purge past memories and self-pity to possess the promises. Purge pessimism.
  1. Pace: Pushing or pulling does not work with the Holy Spirit. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). We must understand and move with the rhythm, beat and pace of the Holy Spirit. Never settle for less or give-up before the completion of the promise. Sometimes we run ahead of the Lord’s time. We are desperate for quick answers and easy solutions but God is never too late and He is never too early. He is always on time. Pulsate to the pace of the Holy Spirit

Fulfilling conditions unpacks promises.

Deuteronomy 28:2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to be doers of Your word, and not hearers only. May obedience unlock divine doors and flood my life with prosperity and peace. Amen. 

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