03 October 2021 – Unprecedented Solutions – Part 3

Numbers 27:4-5 Why should our father’s name disappear from his clan because he had no son? Give us property among our father’s relatives.

Unprecedented petitions result in extraordinary answers. The Mosaic law did not include the daughters to receive any inheritance from the father. Zelophehad, a man from the tribe of Manasseh, died leaving five daughters. According to the Law, if a man dies leaving no sons behind, the property would be distributed to the brothers of the deceased man. These five daughters steeled to make a revolutionary move and petitioned for the inheritance of their father among their clan. Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “The daughters of Zelophehad are right in their statements (Numbers 27:6-7). The Bible broke the servitude of sexual discrimination in 1446BC and vouched equal rights for women much before the feminist organizations commenced their rallies in the 1800. ‘A fight for their rights’ formalizing the law for women in the Mosaic Law.  

Before matches were invented, fire was ignited with sparks by striking flint and steel. If life without electricity, mobiles and the internet is unimaginable, life without matches would have been convoluted and tiresome. Thanks to the British pharmacist John Walker and his dirty chemical mixing stick. In 1826, while he was trying to scrape the dirty dry lump at the end of the mixing stick, sparks and flames were ignited resulting in the amazing invention of matchsticks.  Walker marketed the match sticks as “Friction Lights”.

The daughters of Zelophehad turned their fate into ‘friction lights’ and received their inheritance.  

Unprecedented petitions result in unpredicted answers:

  1. Eligibility: Our eligibility with God as our Father is based on our relationship and not on religious grounds. We don’t automatically qualify if we are born into a Christian family neither do we disqualify if we don’t have a Christian name. We are all created in the image of God, so we are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. When we address Him as our Father and approach Him as our Saviour, the relationship breaks through impermeable walls. Eligibility is tagged to relationship.    
  1. Entitlement: Our entitlement comes with maturity and obedience. Our relationship qualifies but maturity enforces the entitlement. As long as an heir is a child, he is no better off than a slave, even though he owns everything (Galatians 4:1). Maturity is understanding God’s will and approaching Him with boldness as sons and daughters. In prayer, sons/daughters speak to their Father in Heaven about their needs but slaves beg and plead for their plea to be granted. Entitlement is tied to maturity.        
  1. Engagement: Our engagement to attain the desired end will be the vehicle that will dislodge tradition and move us to our destination. If the daughters of Zelophehad had fizzled in their tent, their predicament would not have reached the ears of the leaders. They took an unusual measure to resolve the unusual problem. These women picked up courage to speak to Moses and Joshua in a time when women were only seen and not heard. Engage in persevering and persuasive prayer. Engagement ignites eligibility and enlightens entitlement.    

Unprecedented times require bold revolutionary prayers that will turn the wheel of our petition to our destination.  

1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Prayer: Dear God my Father, thank you for the redemption and acceptance as your son/daughter. Holy Spirit, be my “friction light” that enlightens my birthrights, eligibility and my entitlements. Amen. 

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