06 October 2021 – Unprecedented Solutions – Part 6

Luke 7:6-7b The centurion sent friends to say to Him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself,.. But say the word, and my servant will be healed.

Unprecedented difficulties elevate our faith. Reformatory reactions will surge faith and lift us out of the unexpected crisis. The centurion in the above text was a gentile Romans ruler who was appointed to oppress the Jews. However, this centurion loved and served Jewish people. One of his servants, whom he valued and esteemed was sick to the point of death. Under the Roman law, the master of a slave had the right to kill him if he was injured, sick or disobedient. However, this kind hearted centurion sought the help of the divine Healer, Jesus. While Jesus was near the house of the centurion, he sent his friends (as he considered himself unworthy to stand before Jesus) with a profound statement of faith “I do not deserve to have you come under my roof… But say the word, and my servant will be healed”. The radical faith and reformatory thinking of the centurion amazed Jesus. He said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel” (Vs 9).

The problems of current crisis is certainly unheard of. We have no precedents to follow. There are no theories around social distancing, online worship or travel restrictions. However, our reaction to the problem will deflate or inflate our faith. The Jews advocated Jesus to visit the house of the centurion, however, the centurion knew that just the words of Jesus carried the same authority as His physical presence. Jesus was amazed and appreciated the reformatory thinking of the centurion.

Three don’ts when we face unprecedented crisis:

1.     Eruption: Eruption of emotions will kill refined reactions. Sulking, self-pity or grumbling about the situation will only make us emotionally erratic and moody. When we can’t do what we would normally do, it is time for a better change. Thinking outside the box, will catch divine attention. Jesus was amazed at the radical faith of a gentile who understood the power of the  His words. When we cannot use our hands to build, we must learn to use our words to encourage.    

  1. Entitlement: Entitlement mentality will suffocate reformatory faith. Roman authorities were known to oppress the Jews but this centurion was humble and benevolent towards the oppressed. However, he did not trade his goodness and kindness towards the Jews to receive a healing touch for his servant from Jesus. When we start thinking that we have ticked all the boxes for God to bless us or that we are better than others, our downfall has begun. Humility enlightens us with innovative ideas but entitlement mentality crushes faith and foliage during challenging times.     
  1. Excuses: Excuses destroy advancement. Never let a good crisis go to waste – Winston Churchill. Excuse butchers enthusiasm. Question such as “What can I learn? How can I improve? And What can I do to help others?” will move us from giving excuses to discussing improvements. Radical faith and reformatory reactions will elevate us to becoming fruitful, productive and insightful   

Resting on the Lord during unprecedented times bring unprecedented solutions. Shift gears, think outside the box, accentuate your faith and above all don’t waste the crisis. Radical faith and reformatory thinking amazes Jesus.

Luke 7:9 When Jesus heard this, He was amazed.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach  me to be above the problems and not be baffled by it. Help me not waste the crisis but to amaze You by my radical reactions, thinking and faith. Amen. 

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