07 October 2021 – Unprecedented Solutions – Part 7

Genesis 41:37 The plan seemed good to Pharaoh and to all his officials.

Unprecedented convolutions accelerate progression(not regression), during a worldwide recession. Application of Biblical principles turns a pandemic into a prospect. While the world bank is forecasting the global economy to shrink during the pandemic, application of Godly principles will boost our financial position. Joseph was given a very confusing dream to interpret. The Pharaoh dreamt of seven skinny, ugly cows devouring seven fat cows and seven heads of healthy grains eating seven withered, thin and scorched grain-heads. Joseph condensed the confusing dream into an economic policy that protected the wealth of Egypt and preserved the people. Human mind will cringe and curve at an impending disaster but a man filled with the Holy Spirit, spreads his wings, capitalizes on the challenge and soars over the storm clouds like an eagle. 

Joseph commenced his elucidation by clearly stating – “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.” (Genesis 41:16). Joseph became the expert economist of Egypt by storing the abundance during the seven flourishing years. Consequently, the treasury of Egypt exploded in the boom and thrived in recession. Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure (Genesis 40:41). The mind of this Hebrew slave who had suffered rejection, betrayal, humiliation and false accusation was fresh with frolicking wisdom as he feared God more than the pandemic, pandemonium or prison.

Unprecedented complexities evolve unforeseen growth:

1.     Rest: Rest to reconnect. Confluence of challenges during a pandemic can be overwhelming. Lockdown, homeschooling, remote working and restrictions can be daunting. Take time to rest in the Lord. Resting will declutter our mind. When your mind is racing with the “to do list”, just rest and confess, “I cannot do it,… but God will “. Anxiety shifts the brain to “panic mode”; in stress we will only firefight rather than find solutions. Resting in the Lord reconnects us with divine visions.  

  1. Reset: Reset your brain from survival to “thriving mode”. Brain starts applying brakes and shifts gears to slow down in the “survival mode”. Unexpected or forced changes push people to drag through the difficult phase rather than proliferate. If Joseph from the ditched dungeon could come up with the unheard of fiscal policy, we can thrive through the recession. Refreshed mind is the womb of innovation, increase and expansion.     
  1. Reform: Unprecedented crisis calls for reformation in our thinking, behaviour and response. “COVID restrictions” are to protect us and not to confine us to our condominium. Complaining about the changes will demoralize us and breaking government restrictions will downgrade us. Use what you have and build the future. Joseph stored the abundance and built the financial security of Egypt. Without electricity, hot water supply, internet and mobile phones, Joseph was able to build a thriving empire that supplied food to the world. With facilities that connect us around the globe, we can definitively thrive. Reformed mind will birth productive ideas.    

Unprecedented times throw unexpected complexities and unforeseen problems but a soul that rests in the Lord is refreshed, rejuvenated and will be bubbling with innovation. Thrive don’t survive.

Genesis 41:41 “So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.”

Prayer: God of Heaven and Earth, you are the source and security. Teach me to conceive and birth thriving ideas as I rest, reset and renew my mind in you. Amen. 

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