08 October 2021 – Faith vs Feelings – Part 1

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God.

There is a misconstrued saintly connotation that feelings and faith cannot co-exist. The misunderstanding is that feelings should be dead for faith to flourish. The truth is that we serve a compassionate and emotional God. He is empathetic towards the broken hearted (Psalms 34:18) and enthused by our obedience – He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love (Zephaniah 3:17). Hypocrisy, injustice and repeated stubbornness enrages Him –  His anger was kindled (Numbers 12:2b). God Is Love (1 John 4:7).  Love is not just His virtue but God is love. Every fiber of His being is weaved in love. Hence, God has created us in His image with emotions. Feelings are an integral part of faith, however, when feelings start dictating our faith, we will stumble, mumble and grumble.  

If feelings are in control of our head, our emotions will be erratic. The emotional expressions of worship, singing, praise and prayer can crash over a tiny pebble.  A bad phone call, a harsh email or even an abrupt text can drop us down to level zero. The singing on the mountain top will plummet into mourning, grouching and doubting.  Hence, Paul said, Have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). When we think like Christ, we will feel like Him and respond like Him in faith and not fear.

The simple question is who is in the driver’s seat of your life? Your faith or feelings? If faith is behind the wheel, our journey will be steady, straight and serene, however, if feelings are driving our lives, our journey will be erratic, emotional and edgy. 

Faith is the foundation of our beliefs and the root system of our hope. The bottom line is, when faith is in control, feelings will be well behaved but when feelings are in control, faith will be booted out of our life.  

Faith vs Feelings:

  1. Sight: Feelings will follow what it sees but faith will obey what it believes. 2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. When driven by emotions we will be instable, infuriated and insecure. The emotionally swayed will over promise and under deliver. They can be easily fooled by tears and false testimonies. Those who are rooted in faith, see not only with their physical eyes but with their spiritual eyes. They see with the eyes of Jesus. Faith balances our emotions.
  1. Sensitivity: Feelings will follow its instincts and intellect but faith is founded on the word of God. When feelings make smart moves, faith will be sensitive to the voice and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Feelings will make us reactive but faith will make us proactive. Faith is pitched on supernatural insight and sensitivity.
  1. Security: Faith enjoys security in Christ. Colossians 3:3 Your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When faith is the foundation of our heart, our aspirations, anticipations and ambitions are hidden in Christ Jesus. The surety in Jesus will uproot insecurity, fear, jealousy and pride. The threatening, insinuating and intimidating feelings are calmed by faith.  Faith uproots stress and instills security.    

Feelings are good passengers but bad drivers; feelings are good helpers but poor managers. Put your feelings on the backseat and ride on the wheels of faith.

Matthew 9:36 Jesus was moved with compassion toward them.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for the emotions to express love and joy. Teach me to use my feelings to build the foundation of faith.  Amen. 

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