13 October 2021 – Faith vs Feelings – Part 6

Proverbs 29:15 To discipline a child produces wisdom, but a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child.

Animals are instinctive but humans are insightful. Humans were created with the sixth sense that is scientifically defined as “proprioception”. Humans and animals share sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch but the sixth sense allows humans to perceive. Perception is the belief system that allows us to analyze, understand and distinguish however, perception can be darkened or dimmed by repeated willful sin or wrong ideologies. When perception is blinded it curdles into deception and we start behaving like animals, ravaging and ruining each other. Like dogs that run after a bone, a person with no values will follow their cravings. Most criminals would confess that they were misled by a moment of weakness.  

The Lord God created the animals, birds and the living creatures with His Word but He created man with His own hands and the breath from His nostrils. Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. We are living souls. The Lord God distinguished humans from other creations by embedding the “sixth sense” of “perception” in our soul.

Soul is the seat of all our feelings, sensations, sentiments and discernment.  “Perception” is the rod that disciplines the other five senses and shapes our beliefs and behaviour. Perception stops our eyes from watching obscene images and our ears from entertaining vulgar jokes. When opinions are constructed on faith we will walk in holiness and honesty however, when there is no value system to direct the feelings/soul our actions will be impulsive, directionless and senseless like wild animals. Feelings that are not grounded on faith will make us rebellious, impetuous and instinctive.   

Humans are created to be insightful; not to be rash, repulsive and reckless.

Faith vs Feelings:

  1. Intentions: There is no judgment for dogs and cats as they have no evil intentions, insidious plots or insinuating motives. We don’t hear about serial-killer-dogs after watching murder movie. They bite and bark instinctively more for self defense than to attack or hurt. Animals are reactionary but humans are created to be responsive. ”Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the heart.” (Proverbs 21:2). Man measures our actions but God weighs the intentions behind the actions. Feelings instigate impulsive reactions but faith wires intentional responses.  
  1. Intuitions: The spirit of God directs us with a still small voice. The inner voice that convicts; stops us from falling into temptation and pleads us not to repeat mistakes is none other than the voice of the Holy Spirit. Feelings are dragged by carnal cravings but faith cooperates with the direction of the Holy Spirit.  
  1. Insights: Dogs are pre-programmed not to share resources, food, toys or even their owner’s attention with others. They instinctively fight for their rights as they have no insight that there is a bag full of bones in the cupboard. Unlike animals we are insightful beings. Faith enlightens our inner-man with divine wisdom  but feelings numb the sixth sense and discernment.      

Following our feelings will turn us into animals. Growing in faith transforms us to reflect the nature of God.

Deuteronomy 30:19 Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, give me a heart of discernment to distinguish between the carnal cravings and Godly passions. May faith enlighten my intentions and intuitions.  Amen. 

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