07 November 2021 – Brain Sanitizers – Part 3

Philippines 4:8 Finally, believers, whatever is true and authentic, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word,..think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. (AMP)

Meditate on whatever is right to sanitize your brain from wrong thinking. There is only right or wrong and nothing in between – Hercule Poirot. But the debate is on “what is right”?  What is the benchmark to draw a line in the sand to distinguish right from wrong?  Legalizing abortion, prostitution or civil union cannot make wrong, right! Rightness and righteousness are confirmed by God’s Word. The measuring scale to morality, the yardstick for justice and the standard for holiness is God’s Word. No legislative authority, legal caveat or supreme court verdict can overrule the Word of God.   

Right actions are the result of premeditated thoughts. Brain scanners and schematics can see the decision before they are manifested as actions. In fact, our brain has made the decision long before we even knew about it! Cryptic, conventional or conservative ideologies will initiate wrong brain signals and reactions.

Jesus, in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) explained the brain images, decisions and deliberations of three sets of people group. The Priest and Levite who refused to help the wounded man at the side of the road and a Samaritan who showed him mercy and kindness. But wisdom is justified by her deeds.” (Matthew 11:19).

The mind is the “control tower” of right and wrong actions:

  1. Politically Right: The Priests were the ‘politically right politicians’. They would preach elaborate, flamboyant sermons on street corners and coliseums to gain popularity, power and public applause. They were not only spiritual leaders but also political influencers in ancient Israel. Their brain scans would expose premeditated thoughts to pose and position themselves to be politically right. In today’s world these are political influencers who can seduce, insinuate and inject wrong thinking into the ignorant under the shroud of popularity. Beware of the politically right publicans.  
  1. Socially Acceptable: The Levites are assistants to the Priests. They were also involved in interpreting the law. The current day Levites are those who teach and coach through social media.  They can be categorized as the socially acceptable group. They would be actively clicking thumbs-up and smiley faces to dubious posts in order to secure their social status. Their brain scans would divulge their fear of being ostracized if they stand up for what is right. If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ (Galatians 1:10).  Hence, they would ignore errors or remain silent at injustice, corrupt or contorted practices. Beware of the socially acceptable morons.   
  1. Spiritually Righteous: The Samaritans are mavericks, unorthodox, independent thinkers who are not influenced by politics, cultural pressure or people. They would chose to do what is right even at the cost of their life. Their standard is the Word of God. Their brain scans would reveal that the scoff of the seditious or the scorn of the spiteful have no impact on their decision. They would accept seclusions from parties or snubs by social groups as a reward for right choices. The reward for righteousness lasts forever.   

Reflect on whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word and disinfect it from the infestation of social acceptance.        

Philippians 4:8b Think continually on these things.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I need supernatural strength to choose what is right even at the expense of friends, fame or favour. Amen

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