10 November 2021 – Brain Sanitizers – Part 6

Philippines 4:8 Finally, believers, whatever is true and authentic, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. (AMP)

Admirable, commendable or appreciative thoughts of respect, reverence and good report are like “brain exercises”. As our limbs and joints need exercise, our brain needs a good workout everyday to function in full capacity. A brain that is not exercised would become rusty, raspy and rude. An article in the “Los Angeles Times” on the 5th of September 2019 surveyed 1000 people from around 17 countries and concluded that people pay more attention to negative news rather than positive news. The cross-national study confirms that consumers around the world have stronger psychophysiological reactions to negative news when compared to positive reports. More people are inclined to notice that the glass is half full than to observe the silver lining on the cloud.

The Apostle Paul has taught us ‘brain aerobics’ of meditating on admirable and good reports that stimulate the brain and keep it healthy, steady and fit. Studies show that preschoolers who enjoyed building blocks excel in academics at school. Dr. Daniel Amen, says that “Brain Fitness Exercises” boosts memory, mood, focus and energy. When Jesus performed the profound miracles on the Sabbath, of healing the woman who had a crippling back condition for 18 years (Luke 13:10-17), and a man with a withered hand (Mark 3:1-6), the Pharisees were infuriated. They viewed the mighty miracles as “monstrosity” as they had corroded, closed and callous minds. Their legalistic minds could not give a logical answer to the question of Jesus – “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” (Mark 3:4).   

 Brain exercises for rusty brains:

  1. Rigidity: Superiority and rigidity leave rust deposits on the brain and corrupts the mind. The Pharisees were not teachable as they were puffed with pride and prejudice. Rusty hinges make the door inflexible. Similarly, when the door of our brain becomes rusty, opening it creaks and complains; squeaks and screeches. As oil removes rust, anointing wipes away rigidity and superiority.      
  1. Religiosity: Legalism and religiosity rusts the brain. Religiosity is like a bent brain condition. Legalism overpowers “law” and undervalues “love”. The religious are the first to find fault and pick up stones of accusations. Perform a personal “brain test of religiosity” by checking  your first reaction to any report, information or news. Skeptics complain, optimists comprehend. While the skeptic complains about the economic erosion during lockdown, the optimistic would enjoy their family time. Sandpaper of humility removes religiosity.   
  1. Inactivity: A cryptic and criticizing brain is an unappreciative mind. A good exercise to transform and renew the mind would be to make a conscientious effort to appreciate at least one person every day. Thank you notes, smiley faces and genuine appreciation are brain exercises that rejuvenate the mind. Dwelling on what is appreciable and admirable rather than on the imperfections is a good brain activity that refreshes the mind. Appreciation is the brain exercise that activates the mind.   

Exercise the brain with whatever is admirable and of good repute and sanitize the mind.        

Philippians 4:8b Think continually on these things.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may I never rust my brain with bad reports but exercise my mind with good, admirable and commendable reports. Amen

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