15 November 2021 – Angelic Beings – Part 4

Exodus 23:20 “Behold, I send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared.

The Bible records 104 appearances of angels specifically to help direct the lives of men. More than 1/3 of the 300 references to angels in the Bible show them talking to men, helping them to know their destiny and how to live before God – Lester Sumrall

Angels were created with a unique purpose. Distinguishing the ranks or hierarchy and deciphering the portfolio will explain the involvement of the angels in our daily lives. The profile and responsibilities of the angels range from ministers, messengers, guardians, escorts, soldiers to servants and personal attendants. There are different ranks and cadres in the chain of command of the heavenly hosts. Cherubim are the highest form of angels who guard the throne of God and Seraphim worship the glory of God. The warring and guarding angels empower kingdoms and rulership to rise and fall. The regional hosts fortify our territories. The common angels in the Bible appear like young men. Abraham looked up and saw three men (heavenly beings in human bodies) standing nearby (Genesis 18:2). Not all angels are winged. The logistical angels appear as common men and help people to find their destiny.

Angels are logistical agents:

  1. Direct: The angel instructed Joseph in a dream to leave Bethlehem as Herod was trying to kill Jesus. The angel directed them to flee to Egypt and then to come back to their hometown after Herod died. They did not have the BBC to announce the death of Herod. When Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph (Matthew 2:19). Our angel today would speak to us in the voice of our favorite pastor, preacher, prophet or in the advice of a parent, banker or our best friend. The direction from the angel of God will always point us to our destination.
  1. Deliver: An angel was sent to deliver a prophecy to Abraham and Sarah.  Then one of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year. Your wife Sarah will have a son” (Genesis 18:10). The angel announced the arrival of the long awaited answer. When answers take longer than anticipated, we tend to soften the passion of our petition. Angels are sent to dissipate disbelief by delivering a promise or a prophecy. Angels pivot us towards our destination.       
  1. Defend: The angel of the Lord guided and guarded the Israelite horde across the wilderness. As the thronging terrified multitude were crossing the Red Sea, the Pharaoh’s army pursued them in chariots and horses. When the chase became intense, the angel of the Lord moved behind the petrified crowd and cattle, to defend them. Then the angel of God, who had been leading the people of Israel, moved to the rear of the camp (Exodus 14:19). We never embark on our divine journey alone. We can live free from the fear of being backstabbed, as we have divine defenders backing us up. The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard (Isaiah 58:8b). Angels are logistical agents defending our backs.   

Angels are our logistical delivering and defending agents.        

Psalms 91:11 For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I have no fear of losing my destiny nor am I petrified of being backstabbed, as your divine logistical agent is my GPS and my rear guard.  Amen.

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