20 November 2021 – Raise Your Bar – Part 2

Psalm 78:41 Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.

After experiencing the limitless power of God, the Israelites provoked the Lord’s anger by their rebellious sin of doubt and disbelief. Israel witnessed Moses fight the sword of the Pharaoh with a dry staff. They were the spectators of the Nile River turning into blood, gnats and frogs devastating the palatial palace, locusts feasting on the crops, grasshoppers consuming the greenery, livestock being wielded and bolted by lightning and hail.  The plagues did not touch the Israelites who were only a suburb away from the destruction, yet, they limited God in the wilderness by their grouching and groaning. Israel watched God defeat the most powerful pagan kingdom, yet they could not trust Him for food, water and rations.

It is rather astounding to be a by-stander and watch the power of God from a distance, however, bringing the limitless power of God into our limited resources, inadequate supplies and insufficient provisions is the test of our character. With God there is no limit to what you can do. There is no obstacle you can’t overcome. Through Him all things are possible – Joel Osteen. Limiting God’s provision in a time of need is underestimating His mighty hand and outstretched arm. Fallible brains and human intelligence would fail to  comprehend God’s mighty infallible hands that flung the universe into being. Limiting the mighty God is a rebellious riot and a crucible crime.   

Raise the bars of limitations:

  1. Supplier: God is not a supermarket that has empty shelves and is out of stock. He is our supplier. And my God shall fulfill every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). There are no port congestion or economic supply crisis in the storehouse of Heaven.  A double minded, doubtful man with a divided heart cannot expect supplies from the Divine Supplier. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do (James 1:7-8). God is our supplier .   
  1. Spring: God is not our employer, banker or financier, He is our Provider. God is our spring that waters our gardens even during the scorching summer heat. The sweltering heat of the recession or financial catastrophe does not dry up the spring of God’s treasury. The employer, banker and financier must shut their doors or impose stringent rules to fund us; yet, God will supply and satisfy our needs in the sun-scorched dry recession. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail (Isaiah 58:11b). God is our ceaseless spring.   
  1. Source: God is the source, He is not the means. The means would dry up but the source never does. The wilderness that Israel wandered was extensive dry land with no vegetation, wells or habitation, yet their clothes did not wear-out or their sandals snap. No matter how hopeless, how dry and deserted our wilderness is, God is still our source. He will make manna, meat and money rain down from Heaven until we are satiated. God is our source

Raise your bars of limitation – God is your supplier, spring and never ceasing source.    

Psalm 78:29 They ate till they were gorged— He had given them what they craved.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, help me to trust and lean on your mighty muscle and outstretched extended arm that can pull me out of scarcity and the ghetto of insufficiency. You are my source. Amen. 

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