27 November 2021 – Dream with God – Part 2

2 Kings 7:2 The officer on whose arm the king was leaning said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?”

God’s dreams are big. Dream big with God. Most times the prophecy or promise would echo impossibilities to our frail mind. 1 Corinthians 2:9 “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those. Dreaming with God is absorbing God’s words into our mind and imagination without masticating, manipulating or  mutilating it. Don’t trim down or downplay the prophecy that resounds massive and unpalatable.     

During the reign of Jehoram of Israel, Syria laid siege on Samaria and there was a severe famine in the city. Kings of Israel sought political advice from spiritual leaders, hence Jehoram sent a messenger to enquire of the Lord. Elisha spoke a profound prophecy that the political upheaval and economic drought will dissipate overnight turning the scarcity into abundance. The right-hand-man of the King made a very unscrupulous statement of doubt, debilitating the essence of the prophecy. “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?” He could not crush the dream of God  by his disbelief; rather he was crushed in a stampede the next day by the hungry horde – The king had put the officer in-charge of the gate, and the people trampled him in the gateway (2 Kings 7:17a).  God is not looking for dreamers to execute His plan, but to accentuate His prophecy. He doesn’t need our intelligence, acumen or IQ to fulfill His word. He can use an inept donkey, the dumb or the deaf as tools, but He needs dreamers to emphasize His Word.

Three principles to dream with God:

  1. Famine: Famine is the good growing ground for dreams. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? (Romans 8:24b). When famished, dream the flourishing future that God has promised for you. God’s word of hope will invariably come to us in the most hopeless times. Grab hold of His Word, His plan and dream. Follow His voice, direction and instruction to defeat the lack and famine. Godly dreams flail famine out of our life.   
  1. Flood: The officer’s petty brain could not envisage the abundance that can pour out from the flood gates of Heaven. His imagination was stunted, hence, he only heard about it but did not enjoy the abundance. The reserves of Heaven are unlimited. Godly dreams flood us with abundance.
  1. Food: Half a million Israelites were fed with the food of angels for 40 years. The blood in their veins was the testimony to the provision of God. Human beings ate the bread of angels; He sent them all the food they could eat (Psalm 78:25). The distrusting officer neither had the knowledge of God nor had the fear of God in him. Those who dream with God will never stress about worldly needs, career challenges, political or policy changes. Dreamers enjoy the abundance in faith before it comes to fruition.

The hearts that dream with God will be the hands that open the floodgates. Dream Big with God.     

2 Kings 7:16 A seah of the finest flour sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley sold for a shekel, as the Lord had said.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, You will honour what You have promised. Tutor me to dream big with you. Amen.

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