01 December 2021 – Dream with God – Part 6

Job 33:15 He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds.

Dreams and visions of the night are God’s portals to download God’s thoughts, aspirations and passions. The science behind dreams is an interesting phenomenon. Our sleep goes through two basic sleep patterns – REM (Rapid Eye movement sleep/light sleep) and NREM (Non-rapid eye movement sleep/deep sleep). Generally there are four to six sleep cycles throughout the night. REM (Rapid Eye movement sleep) is also commonly known as “dreaming sleep” or “hypnopompic hallucinations”. As the sleep cycle alternates, we move into REM (dreaming mode) as we get closer to the morning. Hence our chance of experiencing early morning dreams and remembering the details of the intense, vivid or sometimes even disturbing dreams increases.

Not all dreams are from God. Unrealistic, meaningless dreams can be caused due to indigestion and acid reflux from late, fatty, spicy or cheesy meals. Ignore the “pizza dreams”. Godly dreams are always followed by divine interpretation and bolstered by the Word of God. If we are oblivious to the voice of God, He will repeat the vision/dream more than once to get our attention. Dreams that are loud and clear, dreams that assimilate the scriptures or dreams of warnings are God’s thoughts implanted through dreams.     

God speaks through dreams:

  1. Wisdom: Solomon received wisdom in the REM or dream sleep. 1 Kings 3:5 The LORD appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”  Solomon asked God for a discerning heart. The divine exchange of both wisdom and wealth was completed in the coliseum of the dream realm. 1 Kings 4:31a He was wiser than anyone else. When our mind is parked in the prayer mode in sleep, dreams become God’s downloading portal. However, hoarding unholy, unhealthy junk in our mind will open the porch to the demonic interface. Godly dreams impart wisdom of God.
  1. Wonder: Nebuchadnezzar had nightmares in his sleep. Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep (Daniel 2:1). The king summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him the distressing dream and its interpretation. They were ready to interpret it for him but no one could tell him the dream. Hence he ordered all the necromancers to be assassinated. However, during the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision (Daniel 2:19). The content, intent and interpretation was unveiled to Daniel in the vision. Dreams of the godly discloses the future, deduces the forebodings and decodes the events to come. Dreams iconize the wonders of God.
  1. Warning: The Magi who were divinely led to visit and pay respect to Jesus were warned about their association with the devious destroyer, Herod, in a dream. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route (Matthew 2:12). Warnings about delusional, detrimental or divisive relationships or associations will be revealed to us in a dream as an unpleasant gag, unclean dung, nightmares or as dangerous encounters with wild animals. Dreams warn us of impending danger.

The dreams of the god-fearing are heavenly portals for divine downloads.     

Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, may my sleep be sweet and filled with divine wisdom, wonder and warnings. Please speak to me in visions and dreams. Amen.

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