02 December 2021 – Dream with God – Part 7

Ephesians 1:11 Before we were even born, He gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in His heart.

Our future is God’s past. Our dreams are futuristic but God’s dreams are retrospective. Our predestination was  designed before our creation. God had strategically designed, drafted and delineated the purpose for our existence and holds the master blueprint for our subsistence. If we wake up breathing every morning, there is a well defined “divine agenda” for us to accomplish. This “defined agenda” is God’s dream and destiny for us.

We do not exist to eat, sleep, work, marry, reproduce, build houses and die! Only those who discover God’s program, calendar and timetable can dream with God and reach their divine destiny. We are not who the world defines us to be. Jeremiah was predestined to be a prophet even before the fetus was visible to the electromagnetic waves. “Before I formed you in the womb I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5).  Jeremiah, a young lad, was sent with a message of doom to the disobedient nation of Israel. He was neither esteemed or elated yet, the demonic calendar couldn’t usurp the divine calendar! Jeremiah fulfilled God’s predestination for his life. Dreaming with God is discovering God’s plan, purpose and predestination for our lives.       

Discover God’s dream and your divine predestination:

  1. Pruning: Pruning is part of God’s agenda to precision us towards our predestination. God will prune us away from people groups, priorities and parties that detain or derail us from the divine dreams. Joseph was stripped, sold and secluded by his own family, boss and friends. Pruning humbled and prepared Joseph for the powerful position. God did not warn him about the pruning but was faithful to him through the painful process – The LORD was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything (Genesis 39:2). Likewise, God will reveal Himself to us through the painful pruning and persecution while He positions us toward our predestination. Pruning is part of God’s agenda.
  1. Planning: Our plan was prepared, printed and posted before we were created. God will disclose His dream but will seldom show us the roadmap. Joseph’s route to hail as the Prince was through the ditch, dump and the detention centre of Egypt. The dream was flamboyant yet the conduit to his destiny was debilitating. Even if we miss route A, God’s GPS would reroute us back to our destiny direction. God will make harrow and the horror to work together for good to accomplish His plan and His dream. Our plan was predetermined.
  1. Partnering: The purpose is predesigned but only those who partner with God will step into their divine predestination. It is like a parent who supports their son/daughter to qualify as a teacher, doctor or an engineer. The parent can pay the fees, motivate and facilitate, yet, if the child indulges in wayward living, wrong company and wily, he/she will never qualify as a professional. God will not do what we can do for ourselves. He will not eat, sleep or exercise for us. God’s dream for our life is special, surreal and sublime. Partner with God to fulfill your purpose.

Divine dreams are embryonically weaved into our DNA. Dream with God, discover His design and partner with Him.     

Romans 8:28 The LORD was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, your dreams for me are good and not evil to give me hope and a future. I desire to partner with you to fulfill your agenda and reach my divine destiny. Amen.

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