04 December 2021 – Human Anatomy – Part 2

Psalm 103:15 As for man, his days are like grass—he blooms like a flower of the field.

Man is like the blade of grass and the frailty of humanity can be described as the flower of the field. When the wind has passed over it, it is no more, And its place acknowledges it no longer (Psalm 103:16). While grass describes the duration of our life span, flowers elucidate our utility. Life on earth is only a temporary transit but unfortunately many presume that it is a permanent haven.   

Healthy grass lawn prevents erosion, improves the quality of air, has a positive impact on the climate and increases the house value up to 20%! The usefulness of grass portrays a ‘purposeful life’. Godly associations support each other to prevent the erosion of holiness. They preserve culture, calibrate the ambience, and alleviate the celestial atmosphere of heaven on earth.

Flowers in the plant kingdom can be broadly classified into perennials and annuals. Perennials regrow every spring while annuals grow only for one season and die. Each flower has its own attribute. The annual flowers that serve as flowerbeds in spring, deposit seeds on the ground for the next season. Perennials on the other hand are dormant during the winter but blossom in spring year after year. As flowers are a pleasure to our eyes, humanity was created to bring pleasure to the Lord.

If we live egocentric lives, we will be like a single blade of grass and a wild flower hidden in the ravine. A blade of grass and an isolated floweret will be burnt up by the scorching sun without yielding any benefits. Mankind was created to bless one another. Sadly, selfishness is the anomaly of anatomy!                      

Three life lessons from grass and flower:

  1. Pleasure: Our beauty comes from becoming a blessing to others. As the greenery of the grass and the blushing, blossoming, bright warm colours of the delicate petals rejuvenates our soul, we must add joy, encouragement and energy to the people in our lives. Our Heavenly Father smiles when we instill hope in the heart of an afflicted soul. The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him (Psalm 147:11a). We were created to paint Godly pleasure in the canvas of life.
  1. Perfume: Lily, rose or gardenia fill the air with fragrance. The smell of fresh grass under the melting dew invigorates our inner being. Our presence must bring Godly perfume of harmony and Godly symphony. Through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere. (2 Corinthians 2:14b). Christlikeness produces pleasing aroma but godlessness, pride and envy infuse an aroma of death. We were created to permeate the perfume of Christ.
  1. Prescription: Lavender, Chamomile, Passionflower and Poppy are few flowers with therapeutic, medical value. We were created to be “divine physicians” to the hurting world. The backsliding sinner, bruised or broken must run to us for Biblical guidance and prescription. Our body language and vocabulary will be the billboard that will attract the throbbing throng to us. The wisdom in the words will be the healing balm and anxiety reliever. We were created to heal the broken hearted.

The essence of existence is – “Mankind was created to serve and not be served”.     

Isaiah 40:6 All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field.

Prayer: Creator God, I am frail but equip me to add divine pleasure and perfume to the hurting. Anoint me to be a ‘walking physician’ to bring healing to the wayward, wrecked and wronged. Amen.

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