06 December 2021 – Human Anatomy – Part 4

Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

President Theodore Roosevelt volunteered to lead the cavalry to Cuba in 1898. His charitable courage made him the hero of the war. The book “Rough Riders” says, Roosevelt froze at a barbed wire before he crossed into the enemy’s camp. Crossing the line cemented his determination to fight.  At the “rubicon moment” of ‘do or die’ the ‘power of wolf’ rose up in his heart to howl.

Humans were created to rule, dominate and reign over the earth – righteous are as bold as a lion. The lion, the king of the jungle, is an epitomic example of the power that is embodied in a man. The righteous are those who have a right standing with God. Righteous are not Mr.& Mrs. Right who have never flawed but those who have no known, willful or hidden disobedience in their life. Righteous are those who are daily and continuously cleansed by the blood of Jesus.  The contrast between a man who walks with God and a man who is far away from God is in their “spiritual boldness”. King Saul fretted with fury, frenzy and fear without anyone contending against him whereas Daniel was calm and courageous even in the lion’s den!

We are the children of Jesus, the lion of Judah. Lions don’t procreate cats, they only reproduce cubs. The devil on the other hand is like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). He is not the lion, he is only an old toothless cat standing behind a magnifying glass and megaphone. The devil roars but our defender is the Lion of Judah!     

The lion of Judah lives inside of you:

  1. Fearless: A lion knows no fear. Craig Packer, an ecologist from the University of Minnesota states that  “Of all the predators Lions are the least afraid of anything. Fearlessness will be interwoven in our inner being when the Lion-King Jesus is on the throne of our heart. A Lion doesn’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. The intimidations, opinions or insinuations of people or the demonic should not steal our sleep. We have the power to trample over the demonic beasts, scorpions and serpents. Advance fearlessly – The Fearless, dominate.   
  1. Fight: Lions do not retreat from a fight. A lion, mighty among beasts, who retreats before nothing (Proverbs 30:30). Lions fight a crocodile or hippo until it defeats and subdues. Everyone wants to eat but few are willing to hunt. When the righteous invade the demons jump off the cliff. Fight and put the opposing harmful thoughts, talk and tout to flight. Fighters don’t flee, they put the enemy to flight
  1. Focus: Lions are focused.  The eyes of a lion can see eight times as far as a human eye can see. Lions have binocular vision which means its eyes point forward, adjusting the depth of the image accurately. Lions are not distracted by noises. We are created with the focus, vision and tenacity of a lion to reach our goals. Wear noise cancelling earmuffs to block out slander, smear and smirch. The focused, progress.

Human anatomy is hardwired like a lion. The righteous are fearless and focused to put the enemy to flight.     

Judges 14:18a What is stronger than a lion?

Prayer: Dear Jesus, Help me to reverberate that I am not a fearful cat but the fearless cub of the Lion of Judah. May the false alarms, voices and noises of the world not distract my focus. Amen.

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