09 December 2021 – Human Anatomy – Part 7

Psalm 1:3 He(Man) is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

Trees are the perfect epitome of human life on planet earth. Trees have roots, bear shoots and fruits as humans do. A man who trusts in the Lord is like a flourishing tree deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruits in season. He is never parched or fainting but blessed, prosperous and fruitful. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them (Ezekiel 47:12).  

Trees purify the atmosphere and the water streams. Trees inhale carbon-dioxide from gas emissions to cook their meals and exhale clean oxygen. The pantry of trees store up carbon which is the staple grocery in the tree’s food-making process – (photosynthesis). The greenery around us relieves stress, provides shade and removes pollution. The role of a godly man or woman is no different to a tree. Our role is to cleanse the carbon of sinful culture, transgression and offence from the environment and emit the oxygen of love, purity and godliness.

The proverbial parallels between man and trees:

  1. Roots: The roots are the support system of a tree. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes (Jeremiah 17:8). Roots give the tree its structure and stature. The deeper the roots the stronger the tree and the healthier the leaves and fruits. It is not so, with a man whose faith is shallow and wavering.  The sun rose they were scorched. And since they had no root, they withered away (Matthew 13:6). “The fruit you can see is always the result of the roots you cannot see”. Bitterroots of unforgiveness, grudge and animosity poisons our spiritual roots. Roots determine the quality of the fruits.       
  1. Shoots: Shoots in a tree represents posterity, offspring and new life. Your children will be like olive shoots around your table (Psalm 128:3b). In spring, trees start sprouting new shoots on their boughs and branches. Shoots indicate new beginnings, visions and ambitions. Shoots in a man’s life include the biological children of their body and/or their spiritual progeny. “It is  not how long you live but how impactful is your existence on earth”. Produce spiritual heritage and influence the world positively. Shoots exhibit godly growth, goals and generation.      
  1. Fruits: Fruits are measured by the benefits and blessings that we impart and implant. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing (Ezekiel 47:12b). Jesus counselled us that the fruits are the “character calculators” of a man. Matthew 7:16 You will know them by their fruits. The words of a godly man/woman bring healing, health and hope; their deeds and actions of love leave lasting memories and are like medication to the soul. If the stream that waters our tree is God’s Word, our fruits will be succulent, sweet and sapid. Fruits showcase our character.

Blessed man who trusts in the Lord is like a tree that is planted by the riverbed.      

Ezekiel 31:7  It was majestic in beauty, with its spreading boughs, for its roots went down to abundant waters.

Prayer: Father of Wisdom, You are my water-stream. Teach me to draw wisdom from You, and produce leaves that medicate wounds and fruits that feed the hungry, broken and the famished. Make me a flourishing tree. Amen. 

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