21 December 2021 – God’s Will – Part 5

Numbers 22:12 But God said to Balaam, “Do not go with them. You must not put a curse on those people, because they are blessed.”

Israel led by Moses were camping at the plains of Moab before they entered the God-given Promised Land. The King of Moab who was petrified and perturbed at the power of God, sought the help of Balaam, a witch-doctor to curse the Israelite mob. God had appeared to the sorcerer Balaam and commanded him not to go with the Moabites officials. Yet, the king of Moab, sent another convoy of more distinguished officers with a hefty bribe to usurp Balaam to pronounce spells and maledicts on the blessed multitude. When Balaam sought permission for the ‘prohibited act of divination’ the second time; The Lord said, “go with them, but do only what I tell you” (Numbers 20:20b).  

Repeatedly prodding and nagging God for something that is explicitly wrong, will not change the mind or the will of God. Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it, right is right even if no one is doing it! Just because the Lord permits the prohibited, it doesn’t make it God’s good and perfect will. Joe Anna Hackett, (Professor of Biblical Hebrew, University of Texas) says that the non-Biblical inscriptions discovered in Jordan confirms that Balaam was a diabolical warlock of his times. As was Moses, a powerful divine prophet, so was Balaam, a demonic diviner. Other texts confirm that Balaam and his father were hired to pronounce curses on the enemy armies by the kingdoms in the Canaanite region. There are also writings to confirm the immoral bestiality of Balaam with his donkey to tap into impure energies and divination.   

About 99% of God’s will is concealed in His word.  Goading God relentlessly with our pleas can change the ‘prohibited will’ into ‘permissible will’ but can never become God’s perfect will.  However, there will be inexplicable pain, pressure and perturbations tagged to the prohibited will of God.           

‘Prohibited will’ is vivid in the Word of God:

  1. Yoke: God’s perfect will for our life-partners and business-partners are very clear. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14). God told Balaam not to partner with the devious plan of the Moabite king. However, Balaam pleaded with a petition that God had declined earlier. When God says “No”, He means “no”.  Imploring Him with fasting, crying and lamenting doesn’t alter God’s decision, it moves us into danger. Ungodly yoke is prohibited.          
  1. Yell: God’s perfect will is forgiveness not resentment. “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry (Ephesians 4:26). Prolonged, unresolved anger will turn into bitterness and bitterness is a root that will contaminate the soul. ‘Just because you are angry, doesn’t mean that you have the right to be cruel’. Yelling, brawling, howling or hoarding anger and animosity are inexcusably prohibited behaviour.       
  1. Yank: God’s perfect will is generosity, not greed; serving not snatching, blessing, not cursing. ‘You can’t be right by doing wrong, and you can’t be wrong by doing right’ – Thomas Manson. Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths (Ephesians 4:29a). Resorting to witchcraft to control others or manipulate their future, is forbidden. Soothsaying, divination or horoscopes are prohibited.     

Pleading over ‘prohibited will’ can never make it God’s perfect will.  

Numbers 23:23 There is no divination against Jacob, no evil omens against Israel.

Prayer: Sovereign Lord, I relent ungodly yokes, unjustified animosity, avaricious control and surrender to your perfect will. Amen.

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