29 December 2021 – Untold Nativity Scenes – Part 6

Luke 1:39-40 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40 where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth.

Zachariah and Elizabeth an elderly couple, played an inevitably crucial role during the crucible first trimester of Mary’s pregnancy though they were not sighted in the nativity scene or the birth of Jesus. They were the parents of ‘John the Baptist’, the forerunner, who prepared the way for the ministry of Jesus. Bible scholars estimate the age of Zachariah and Elizabeth (the cousin of Mary), to be around 70 years when they gave birth to their first son, John.  

Zechariah was an ordinary priest from the Aaronic family-line. At that time there were about 8,000 priests who could perform the various duties and burning incense was particularly a prestigious task. The priest could perform this duty of burning incense only once in their lifetime, if selected by lot. It was probably his 70th year birthday gift from the Lord that the lot fell on Zachariah to burn incense and offer prayers on behalf of the people. While performing his duty in the inner sanctuary, the Angel Gabriel appeared to him and promised a miraculous birth of a child. When Elizabeth was in her third trimester (six months pregnant), that same angelic messenger visited the young virgin Mary with the annunciation and the hint to seek asylum in the home of the Zachariahs. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month (Luke 1:37).

Why was the humble hut of the elderly couple the hidden haven for Mary during her first trimester?

  1. Hint: Angel Gabriel did not direct Mary to go to her cousin Elizabeth but only gave her a hint. The first trimester is said to be the most crucial period of pregnancy as the baby would grow from an embryo to a fetus. Mary rested in the refuge of her cousin Elizabeth’s haven, until ‘the Word’ matured from an embryo to a fetus in her womb. The prophecy will implant in our heart only if it is housed under a safe haven. God hints, guides and nurtures the embryo of His prophecy to implant into a fetus.          
  1. Hide: Mary did not run to her best friends but hid herself in the shack of the humble ministers. Even before Mary could break the news, Elizabeth knew that The Word, Jesus was not just in her heart but  was hidden in her womb.  Elizabeth exclaimed “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!” (Luke 1:42). God protects the vision that He impregnates.   
  1. Hindsight: In hindsight, it is marvellous to note that six months before the angelic visitation to Mary, the Lord had prepared a sanctuary for her to escape the slur and slander of the town of Nazareth. This gave Joseph time to ingest and digest the immaculate pregnancy in the light of the remarkable prophecy – “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall name Him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). God prepares before He impregnates us with His vision.       

God plans and prepares before He impregnates us with His vision and prophecy.

Luke 1:44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.

Prayer: Pappa God, impregnate me with your vision and guide me to birth your purpose and plan. Amen.

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