31 December 2021 – Time

Psalm 90:12 Teach us to use wisely all the time we have.

We have just lost 2021 and are at the dawn of a brand new year 2022. What does a new year mean to you? God lives outside time.  He does not change with the ticking of time or turning of the calendar.  However, He has placed us within the constraints of time and pressures of limitations. If God is outside the reticence of time then why is it necessary for us to have capsules of calendar days, months, years, decades and centuries?

Time measures the length of our life; it separates past, present and future and time waits for no one. “Time is God’s gift to humanity”. Everybody is gifted with 86,400 seconds per day. The president of a country and the popper on the street; the black, brown, yellow and white have the same balance in their ‘time account’. How we use our time is who we will become. Making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16). It is not how long we live but how effectively we live that leaves a permanent footprint on earth.

Time gives us the power to divest the past, invest in the present and leverage our future. Time gives us the muscle to overcome the past and make new beginnings. So on the last day of the year, it is extremely important to evaluate 2021, make corrections of time wasted, additions to time invested, multiplication of resources collected and division of knowledge accumulated. 

Appraise the TIME spent in 2021 and alleviate TIME deposited for 2022:

1.   Transform: Time is a currency that can be spent or invested; used or abused. We cannot buy, trade-in or bargain more time but we can redeem time by transforming our lifestyle. Declutter demeaning, depressing and depriving thoughts and replace it with creative and innovative ideas. An average person spends 145 minutes per day scrolling through posts and pictures on social media! As we get older, we don’t have time to be wasted in chattering, lazing or lounging! Convert the time wasted on non productive activities to read, educate and exercise. Transform time.  

2.  Improve: New Year is God’s gift to redefine our views and visions. Bury the mess of the past and make a new start. Stop mourning about the friends who betrayed you – “those who didn’t value you are not valuable anyway”. Improve the use of time by planning and organizing your day and week. Improve the use of time.

3.  Migrate: New Year is God’s new season to turn a new leaf. Mind migration makes the new year new. As we change our wardrobe from sweaters to sweatshirts for winter to summer, new seasons are God’s design to change the closet of our mindset. Migrate with time.

4.  Evaluate: The threshold of a new year is a good time to evaluate. Embellish the achievements, and improvements of 2021 but set higher goals for 2022. Assess the gullibility and insensitivity, and redefine the caveat of your life. Evaluation is essential to effectively use our time in 2022. Evaluate time.

It’s time to redeem the lost time stolen by mistakes, missed choices and marauders. Be thankful for 2021 and hopeful for 2022.  

Job 14:5 A person’s days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for traversing me through 2021. Coach me to correct the mistakes of the year gone and redeem the time lost in 2022. Amen.

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