10 January 2022 – Mouthwash – Part 3

Psalm 141:3 Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!

A meaningful silence is better than a bunch of meaningless words. ‘Silence’ is like healthy gums that hold our teeth together.  A time to keep silence, and a time to speak (Ecclesiastes 3:7). Discerning when to speak and when to be silent is Godly wisdom. Relationship strains are a result of wrong comments, blurted at the wrong time, in the wrong tone. We normally get the syntax and sarcasm muddled up when we are angry, upset or irritated and spit out mean words. Our anger will pass but the words spilt cannot be forgotten, only forgiven. So, when you cannot say kind words, choose silence. 

Anger is an outrage of an underlying pain of being wronged or misused hence it becomes a defence mechanism to manage pain. Consequently, anger erupts debasing, destructive and derogatory words. There is a mind boggling incident recorded in Numbers 12. Apart from the grumbling and grouching Israelites horde that Moses was leading, his own brother Aaron and sister Miriam became envious and began picketing and slandering him. “Has the Lord spoken only through Moses?” they asked. “Hasn’t He also spoken through us?” And the Lord heard this..(Numbers 12:2).  Normally, envy would be the demonic driving force behind deceit, fabricated lies and slur in most cases. However, the reaction of Moses was astounding.  Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth (Numbers 12:3).  The reaction of Moses to the vanguard spreading virulent rumours was silence. He did not post memes on FaceBook, seek sympathy or empathy from his friends or bolster back-ups from his followers. He remained silent but the Lord heard this… myopic malign from his kin and defended Moses.   

Choose silence over retaliation when attacked falsely, fraudulently and deceptively:

  1. False: When envy and egotism stirs hatred and false accusations, choose silence. The best counterfeit to nonsensical falsehood is silence. When Moses chose to be silent, God heard the slander and summoned the malingers to defend His servant Moses. Concealed jealousy manifests as demonic attacks of deception, lies and ruse. Don’t fret over false accusations.
  1. Fraud: Miriam and Aaron spread a scam about the wife of Moses but their ultimate intention was to topple the leadership of Moses. We don’t have to defend the promotion or position that we have been entitled, anointed and appointed. Self-promoted positions must be protected by self-defence, but God’s placements will be guarded by Him. Silence is a defence mechanism of the righteous.     
  1. Fabrication: Fabricated claims are structures without foundation, they will fall as quickly as they arise. Miriam was struck with leprosy for plotting and prodding fabricated false information about the anointed man of God. He allowed no one to oppress them; for their sake he rebuked kings: 15 “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm” (Psalm 105-14-15). God defends His children. No man or demon has won by fighting against God, so let God respond, retaliate and avenge you. Silence masticates fabricated lies.                

When you smell the stench of envy, falsification or fabrication, choose silence  – the battle between right and wrong, truth and treachery, is not ours but God’s.

Psalm 37:39 The Lord saves the righteous and protects them in times of trouble.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, the battle against false accusation, fraudulent blame or ugly lies is Yours and not mine. Help me to be silent and wait for You to defend. Amen.

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