12 January 2022 – Mouthwash – Part 5

James 1:26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.

Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms in the teeth. The bacteria produces acids after eating or drinking that destroy tooth enamel, cause cavities or gum infections. Plaque normally builds at the root of the tooth causing tooth-decay. An uncontrolled tongue is acidic and causes bacterial infection in the soul. Flossing daily reduces and removes plaque between the teeth. Reading, meditating and memorising God’s word flosses the soul. God’s Word, washes us clean of misunderstanding, acidic comments that turn into astringent (if left unattended) and removes misconception. The book of Proverbs is like a sharp dental flossing device. It corrects, instructs and directs the tainted human soul. Reading one chapter of Proverbs every night before going to bed is like dental flossing that removes the plaque built during the day.  

The Israelites invited plaque, plague and poisonous snakes by their tongue lashing and unbridled complaining until they brought castigation on themselves.  The Lord led them along the Red Sea to solemnly remind them about the stunning miracle of the splitting the Red Sea, yet they incessantly complained. They traveled… along the route to the Red Sea..But the people grew impatient on the way; 5 they spoke against God and against Moses (Numbers 21:4b-5).  The ingratitude, grumbling and grousing of the Israelites invited venomous snakes into the camp, similarly, complaining, discontentment and comparison permits demonic invasion into our life. Praising lips is an emblem of a grateful soul. Rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness (Colossians 2:7). To disperse the cloud of ungratefulness allow the Word of God to wash the soul and fill it with appreciation until it overflows with gratitude.      

Floss the soul with the Word:

  1. Plaque: As we use floss picks and flavoured dental floss to remove the plaque of acidic bacteria from the teeth, praise is the dental floss that removes whines and mourns from our soul. Give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18).  When undulated with sorrow and sadness, look at the Red Sea that you have crossed and start praising the Lord. Praise is the flossing tool that will remove the plaque of bitterness, cribbing and crappiness. Praise.      
  1. Plague: Constant complaining opens the door to the demonic venomous intrusion. The plague of division, disunity and discontent is a result of continuous cribbing. When the Israelites were bitten by the venomous snakes, they cried to Moses, “We sinned when we spoke against the Lord and against you” (Numbers 21:7a). Repentance is the flossing tool to remove curse from our family bloodline. Fasting, prayer, remorse and repentance are like mouthwash that gets rid of tooth and gum infections. Repent.     
  1. Poison: If the tooth is damaged beyond repair it must be removed. If the root of the tooth decays, the cavity is beyond repair. Similarly, some habits, hordes and hobbies must be extracted to prevent gum infection and tooth abscess. A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends (Proverbs 16:28). Extraction of perverse, picketing and poisonous relationships is inevitable for a healthy soul.  Extract.   

Dental floss the soul every day with the Word of God.

Psalm 109:30 With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the Lord.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Teach me to floss my soul with the scriptures every day from complaints, groans and moans. Amen.

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