13 January 2022 – Mouthwash – Part 6

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.

Digestion begins in the mouth; Oral health can have a direct impact on our gut heath. Our mouth triggers an enzymatic reaction that begins the digestion of our food, starting with our saliva. Hence chewing the food thoroughly helps in easy digestion and nutrient absorption. However, the billions of bacteria hidden in the teeth (that are not cleaned) ends up in our gut!  The proven prognosis that oral health directly affects the gut health is true both scientifically and spiritually.  Spiritual diagnosis can be easily understood by our physical reactions and repercussions.      

Our wellness and illness depends on the words we speak. Negative, mediocre or pessimistic confessions will result in average and gloomy outcomes. Our gut can only process what is shovelled down the throat. French fries do not change into celery salad on the way from the throat to the tummy. The devil can never convince us to commit detestable sins of idolatry, adultery or promiscuity but he can convince us that we will never get the best, we will fall short, we are frail and a failure. The fearful emotions or the positive reiteration that we entertain will either turn into words of poison or prescription medication; into death or life.  Hence, watch your words. We see Rachael as a woman who spoke reckless words. When Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister. She said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I will die.” (Genesis 30:1). She died soon after giving birth to her second son Benjamin. Desperation, disappointment or deprivation forced diabolical declaration from her mouth. Hold your tongue when you are going through unbearable heartaches.  A recommended morning prayer would be “Take control of what I say, O LORD, and guard my lips” (Psalm 141:3). 

Clean your mouth to clear your gut:

  1. Empower: Our words empower angelic or demonic forces. Our casual, cryptic and conclusive words are either life-giving agents or can turn into deadly instruments. Angels assigned to us are idle around those who seldom reiterate the promises and prophecies over their life.  Empower angels by speaking life.         
  1. Enable: Enable God’s plan and disable the demonic plot by the power of your words. The thief is waiting to steal our possession, kill our peace and destroy our potential. Speaking faith will unfold favour but blurting out fear will entertain demonic intruders. Disable the demonic and enable the angelic.      
  1. Eat: Our tongue is the cause of most of our dilemmas, destruction and distress. Unity is burnt down or built-up by words. Our prayers must be prophetic even in the pit of the discouraging portentExpel fear, don’t swallow or stomach it. When imprisoned in the quadrant of fear, repeat the promises over and over again and set yourself free. Positive confession bears sweet, sapid fruits but negative confession brings sour and  toxic fruits. Words produce fruits and we eat the produce of our own words.   

Mouthwash your tongue to speak life and not death, our gut wellbeing is dependent on our oral health.

1 Peter 3:10 “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit;.

Prayer: Father God, help me to understand that the fruit that I eat is the product of the words of my mouth. May I only speak life, growth and progress. Amen.

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