20 January 2022 – Fasting – Part 6

Esther 4:16 “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maids will fast as you do.

Esther called for a ‘focused fast’. Her uncle (Mordecai) reminded her empirically that she was in the palace with a divine purpose. “Who knows, if it is for a time like this that you have become queen?” (Esther 4:14). Esther was installed in the Persian palatial palace to stop the homicide and the ruse plotted against the Jewish people. Her purpose petrified her. Esther was terrified to approach the king as the penalty for those who enter into the king’s inner-court, without invitation, was death. Esther was gripped with fear of death as well as the dread of the genocide ploy, against her people. The attack was not just from the wicked (Haman) who hated the Jews but it was a demonic attack to annihilate the Jews from the face of the earth. Esther was aware that a demonic assault can be contended only with fasting and prayer. Hence she called for a fast. Jesus in His disciplining confirmed that the counterfeit to demonic invasion is only by fasting and prayer. “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21).

Many live with the misconception that fasting makes us weak and drains away the energy of the body. Fasting does not reduce but increases the energy and heat of the body by the combustion of the waste poisons through the process of oxidation. The waste/fat becomes the fuel for its own destruction and elimination from the body, thereby increasing the heat of the body producing energy.  Dr. Tomonori Kishino, a professor of health science at Japan’s Kyorin University, says that we fall asleep after a big meal because the blood flow to the small intestine dramatically increases causing a drop in the blood flow to the brain which triggers sleepiness and sluggishness. Fasting on the other hand keeps us active and awake.  So, don’t be fooled by the myth that fasting brings fatigue.

Fasting generates spiritual energy:

  1. Energizes: Fasting energizes both the soul and the body. As the physical body generates heat and energy by combusting the waste stored in the digestive system, the mind flushes out misconceptions and misunderstanding that impedes our spiritual growth. Fasting generates energy by unconditional forgiveness and burns up hatred, enmity and antagonism.  Fasting energizes.    
  1. Empowers: Fasting empowers us with boldness. The Word of God becomes more real than the wrath/curse of men or the deride of dreadful demonic incursion. On the third day of fast without food and water, Esther was clothed with boldness and tenacity to face the turpitude. Fasting empowers.      
  1. Expounds: Fasting explains the battle strategies by eliminating doubt and qualm. Fasting brings clarity to the soul and dissipates confusion. God’s Word will enlighten our soul during a fast. Fasting enlightens us to the spiritual realm and educates us to turn waste into victory. Fasting transforms trials into triumph. Fasting expounds strategies.           

Fasting generates spiritual and physical energy and enthusiasm to counter and conquer the demonic.

Esther 4:16b I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law.

Prayer: Divine Father, teach me to burn the wasteful thoughts, annoyance and animosity into energy. As my body generates energy and heat during a fast, may my soul ignite atomic anointing against the demonic. Amen.

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