21 January 2022 – Fasting – Part 7

Daniel 10:2-3 At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.

Fasting is like housecleaning to the body. It gives a rest to the organs from the normal digestion routine to do some spring cleaning, dusting, brushing and flushing of accumulated food particles that are clogging and  floating in the bloodstream. Fasting is good for the overall wellbeing of our human body, if not our loving Saviour would not have directed us to fast and pray. Jesus said, “When you fast” (Mathew 6:16a). He did not say, “if you fast” but “when you fast”. Hence fasting must be a part of our regular prayer routine.

The initial detoxing normally takes up to three weeks. Daniel was on his normal detoxing routine of partial vegetarian fasting. Light diet with fruits and vegetables are excellent detoxing agents that increase the supply of blood to the brain, helping our mind to be alert, attentive and agile in prayer. If you are constantly distracted during your time of prayer, go on a water fast to increase your attention span. An organized fasting and prayer activates the angelic intervention into our situation. Angel Gabriel who bought the answer to Daniel said, Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them (Daniel 10:12).  As Daniel was fasting, the angelic hosts were winning the battle for him. Fasting aggrandizes divine favour and fortification. Fasting activates the angelic realm.

Three valuable lessons from Daniel’s Fast:

  1. MindsetFasting changes our mindset. Daniel’s aspiration during the fast was to focus His mind on the Holy Scriptures – Since the first day that you set your mind.  Angelic realm are attracted to a conscientious prayer. Fasting helps us to engage with the spiritual realm wholeheartedly and diligently. “Return to me with all your heart, with fasting” (Joel 2:12). Fasting gives rest to the overworking belly and helps the brain to focus on prayer and petition. Fasting refocuses the mindset.      
  1. SkillsetFasting sharpens our skillset. Daniel set his mind to gain understanding.  Daniel had the divine understanding to quote the promises back to the Promise Giver and unlock blessings.  “Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant of love with those who love Him” (Daniel 9:4).  Fasting will change the way we pray from begging to mitigating, negotiating and bargaining based on the Word of God. Fasting alleviates burdens.       
  1. Head-setFasting resets our head-set. Daniel attracted God’s favour by obedience and humility – humble yourself before your God. When the mind is reset with humility, angelic reserves are released. Meekness and a humble headset unlocks divine assets. Fasting cleanses the head from conceit, complaints and conundrums and resets it to meekness mode. Fasting turns the headweight to humility.            

The angel Gabriel did not say, “since you stop eating meat and mutton you found favour in the eyes of God, he said, “since you set your mind to understanding the scripture in humility, you found favour with God.” Fasting and prayer changes our focus, sharpens our understanding and resets us to humility mode.

Daniel 10:11a Daniel, you who are highly esteemed.

Prayer: Our Father in Heaven, help me to detox my mind and body to find divine favour with you. May my fasting release angelic hosts to fight my battles and unbolt blessings and breakthroughs. Amen.

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