22 January-2022-Why, What and How to Fast?-Part 1

Matthew 4:2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, He was hungry.

Fasting is a dedication to a period of time to devote oneself to spiritual priorities of prayer without food. Spiritual fasting requires complete or partial abstinence from food for a fixed time period. It is not skipping meals when we don’t feel like eating but a preplanned, prepared preset period of time.  There are various examples in the Bible regarding the duration of the fast. Food fasting can be from skipping one meal a day to not eating for about 40 days. Food fasting beyond 40 days, and  water & food fasting beyond 3 days are non-Biblical. 21 days of Daniel fasting is also a powerful warring fasting method.

Dr. Alan D. Lieberson, a medical doctor, confirms that up to 40 days the human body does not starve. Ketosis, the process that occurs later into the fast cycle, happens when the body burns stored up fat as its primary power source. After the 40th day, the body starts to consume the protein stored in the muscle to generate energy, which could end in fatality. Before the scientists researched and concluded about food fasting, the scriptures have clearly spelled out the rules of fasting. The longest food fast in the Bible was only for 40 days.

Fasting and adopting a low diet protein, in animal studies has proved an extended life expectancy.  Fasting and prayer extends and augments our spiritual longevity. Prayer is like breathing, it keeps us alive but fasting is like an atomic power, it makes us dangerous to the demonic world. As much as prayer keeps us spiritually alive, fasting charges and energizes us with purity that makes us a divine dynamite.

Three basics of fasting:

  1. WhyPrayer is incomplete without fasting. Fasting keeps our prayers succinct, succulent and synergized. When you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words (Matthew 6:7). Fasting enlightens the discombobulated soul to pray effective and passionate prayers.  Fasting fills the heart with faith and boldness. Hence, “Fasting coupled with mighty prayer is powerful” – Joseph B Wirthlin.      
  1. WhatFast food.  Fasting is not just abstinence from food but fasting without abstinence from food is not fasting. Those who have a medical condition or on medication can choose partial fast. Abstaining from pleasurable food such as chocolates, cakes and cookies is also still fasting. Skipping a meal or two and praying is also fasting. Complete food fasting from 24 hours to 40 days is an energy booster and curse breaker. Fasting breaks the yokes.       
  1. How: Fasting without praying is only dieting. During fast, our prayer time and Bible reading must be doubled. The time we would spend to enjoy our meals should be invested in reading and memorising scripture and praying. Fasting detaches us from the carnal cravings and prayer attaches us to Heavenly passions. “When we fast and pray, there is an increase of Holy Spirit activity” – Mike Bickle. Write down prayer points, revelations and spiritual enlightenments. Set time for prayer at dawn, noon and dusk. Priorities and preset prayer routines during fasting.             

Fasting breaks the chains, cravings and curses.

Isaiah 10:27b The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, teach me the principles, importance and  significance of fasting and prayer. Help my human hunger to be quenched by the spiritual sap. Give me the grace to fast and unlock the supernatural realm. Amen.

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