24 January 2022-Why, What and How to Fast?-Part 3

Act 9:9 For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.

Saul was like a fire-breathing dragon to the early church, plundering people and property. Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off both men and women and put them in prison (Acts 8:3). On the way to Damascus while Saul was still blowing murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples, he had a dramatic encounter with Jesus. A sudden light from Heaven flashed around him and he heard the voice of the Lord, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” (Acts 9:4). The light struck him to the ground and when he got up he could not see. After this life transforming experience, Saul went on a ‘3 day fast’ without food or water. It was this fast that converted the sinful Saul into the spirit-filled Paul. Fasting breaks down the stronghold of addictions, wrong habits, compulsive behaviour patterns, contorted ideologies and wrong philosophies.  Fasting frees us from intoxicating substances that abuse our body and corrupt our mind such as pleasure drugs, inebriating drinks and comfort foods.

Fasting gives us control over the temptations and compulsions of the flesh. “Keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41). Human weakness is not an excuse for harmful habits.  A committed time of fasting and prayer disciplines the wild, unleashed mind. Studies have proved that fasting improves brain function by supporting memory and brain processing. Fasting protects  brain health and increases the production of nerve cells. Obsessive-compulsive behaviour is caused by patterns of repetitive worries and fears. Taunting, fearful and ugly thoughts manifests as excessive eating, abuse of substance and repetitive wrong reactions. The stubborn addictive habits, obsessive compulsive behaviour or agitations, aggression and uncontrolled anger can be overcome by fasting and praying.

Fasting breaks addictions obsessions, compulsions and repulsion:

1.     Philosophies: Fasting corrects wrong philosophies, beliefs and attitudes. Many excuse themselves as short tempered, imprudent or impatient. These are only learnt habits that can be unlearnt by fasting. Fasting obliterates the desire for cookies, fried chicken and cocaine.  Toxic thinking, contorted ideologies and twisted viewpoints are reformed into Bible based godliness by fasting. Fasting destroys wrong traditions, rituals and myopic thinking.      

2.     Pretensions: Fasting tears the façade and pretensions. Fasting makes us genuine and honest. Human studies report that fasting reduces symptoms of anxiety, depression and improves social connection. The compulsion of pleasing people or to be accepted by all is washed away. The pressure to compromise will be broken down by fasting. As the body refuses honey coated turkey, the soul gets rid of twisted thoughts and hypocrisy. Fasting destroys pretence and compromise.        

3.     Pride: Fasting destroys contentions and pride. Fasting is a divine weapon to demolish demonic intrusions and temptations. Fasting humbles us before God and helps us to see our human weakness. The strongholds of pride, haughtiness,  arrogance, ego and self-importance will be bulldozed by fasting and prayer. Fasting morphs self-dependence into God confidence.             

Fasting is the cure for addictions, obsessions, eating disorders, compulsive behaviour, temptations, pretensions and self-reliance.

Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Prayer: My Glorious Father, help me to overcome compulsive habits by fasting and prayer. Give me control over the appetite of my stomach and the craving of my soul.  Amen.

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