31 January 2022 – Effective Prayer – Part 3

Psalm 34:15 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

Prayer of the righteous travels at the speed of light. The velocity and viscosity of the prayer of the pious penetrates through space and dissipates darkness. The speed of light travelling through a vacuum is exactly 299,792,458 metres per second. That’s about 186,282 miles per second. Based on the physicist Albert Einstein’s theory, nothing in this universe can travel faster than light. Prayers of a saint travels like light, shattering demonic darkness into the heavenlies.              

The eyes of the Lord watches over the righteous and His ears are attentive to our prayers. So then, who is qualified as the “righteous” and disqualified as unrighteous? “And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.” (Romans 6:18). Those who enjoy the assurance of forgiveness and the freedom from sins, through the blood of Jesus are ‘righteous’.  The righteous are not those who have never sinned, flawed or marred but those who have received the remission of sins through Jesus Christ. Righteousness is not our goodness but God’s graciousness. The righteous are not ‘Mr. Right’ but the redeemed, sanctified and glorified through the blood of the lamb.    

Hence, the confidence that our willful sins and silly mistakes have been forgiven qualify us as righteous.  The prayers of the righteous are courageous but hidden sin makes our prayers cowardly. The LORD never even hears the prayers of the wicked, but He answers the prayers of all who obey Him (Proverbs 15:29). Remaining under the canopy of the forgiving grace of God keeps us courageous and bold.

Three effects of the prayer of the righteous:

  1. Speed: The prayer of the righteous travels at such a velocity that it destroys the evil forces of envy, rage or spells.  No influence of man can slowdown our prayers and no demon can interrupt our progress. The prayers of the pure lands almost instantaneously in the ears of the Lord. Prayer of the righteous travels at the speed of light.     
  1. Space: The prayer requests of the righteous are like a spaceships launched from the earth into heaven. The satellites stationed in heaven convey signals and communicate directions from the celestial to the terrestrial. However, David lamented “But my prayer kept returning to me” (Psalm 35:13b). If our prayers bounce back unanswered, we must humble ourselves in fasting and prayer to confess, relent and renew our relationship with the Lord. Prayers of the redeemed cut through airspace and travel like a spaceship. Prayer of the righteous penetrates through space.
  1. Sapid: Prayers of the righteous are strong, sapid smashing incantations or chants of the demonic forces.  Prayers of a man with a pure and righteous heart travels faster than the evil energy, omens, witchcraft, blackmagic, portents and demonic envy. Prayer of the humble is the powerful dynamite that bulldozes, barriers and blockages in the airspace between heaven and earth.  Prayers of the righteous are powerful explosives that shred the demonic powers.           

The prayer of the righteous penetrates into Heaven and shatters the power of darkness.

James 5:16 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I need your blood every moment of the day to keep me righteous, pure and powerful. Amen.

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