05 February 2022- The Power of Consistency – Part 1

Psalm 119:5 Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees.

Consistency is steadiness in our behaviour and choices. Consistency is not just a discipline but a law that will determine growth. It is like the law of gravity. In layman’s language, Newton’s Law of Gravity states that what goes up will be pulled down by a force called ‘gravity’. This is a law and no influence on earth can change it.  Similarly, consistency is the formula for growth. Growth does not happen by one dramatic momentary change; growth depends on consistency. “Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing.” – John C Maxwell is the golden rule for growth.  

Behaviour patterns are not set by a choice made at one random occasion. A decision repeated forms habits. Wrong patterns destroy development and recurring good choices nurture improvement. The early church was birthed on one spectacular day called “the Day of Pentecost”. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting (Acts 2:2). There were visible signs of what seemed like tongues of fire that rested on the 120 members of the first church. This thundering anointing was not poured out everyday however they studied God’s word daily and lived lives that accentuated the risen Saviour Jesus, consistently.  Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts (Acts 2:46a). They educated, exhorted and encouraged each other, day after day. They did not have printed Bibles or Bible apps. So, it was these gatherings that taught them the principles of growth and disciplines of Christian living. In a matter of a few years the legalistic Jewish authorities pounded, pouted and plodded “they turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Consistency determines growth.

Three steps to consistent growth:

  1. Read: Read the Bible everyday and read it, twice a day. Joshua 1:8a Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night. The simple principle to a blessed life is to prioritize reading the Word of God in the morning and reverting to it before going to bed at night. Revisiting what we read in the morning, before going to bed at night, keeps our memory refreshed with the sap of the scripture throughout the night.
  1. Reverberate: Reverberate the essence. Share the essence of your learning at least to one person.  Accountability ensures growth. Keep a written log of the imprints that the scripture is making in the soul, everyday. If our mind is filled with meditation from the morning, our mouth will automatically vocalize it throughout the day.
  1. Repeat: Repeat the right choices over and over again for 21 to 30 days to form healthy habits. Repetition builds consistency and consistency ensures growth.              

The power of consistency is long haul – results will not be visible overnight but results are inevitable overtime.

Psalm 1:2 Whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on His law day and night.

Prayer: Pappa God, help me to set a healthy routine and be consistent in my choices to keep growing. Amen.

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