21 February 2022 – What do you do? – Part 3

Mark 14:22&24 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of Him to the other side, while He dismissed the crowd. 24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

What do you do when the troubles and trials that you are facing don’t make sense? What do you do when the sky turns dark on a decision that was made after intense prayer and consideration? What do you do when the boat is buffeted by a fierce squall or tossed around by an unexpected storm and when the odds don’t add up? What do you do when the divine direction is buffeted by demonic backslash?   

After a tired day of ministering and teaching the multitude, Jesus directed the disciples to get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side of the lake. Jesus was not in the boat with them. He went to the mountainside to pray. The disciples followed the succinct instruction of Jesus, jumped into the boat and started rowing. Most of the disciples were fishermen who knew the weather patterns of the Sea of Galilee better than Jesus, yet, they did not check their weatherglass or the barometer but were obedient to their Master. Yet, bad weather and waves arrested them in the middle of the dark dangerous lake! The weather can be very rough and the waves can go up to 10 feet high in the Sea of Galilee due to its geographic location and surrounding mountains. The disciples would have been perplexed at the pounding waves as they would not have expected a tempest in a divinely directed journey. Jesus didn’t watch them drown in the diabolical assault. He rescued them at the right time.

What do you do when the storm doesn’t make sense?  

1.     Storms: Remember that the storms are temporary tests to prove our trust. Don’t panic. Don’t doubt God’s Word or be discouraged at the current fleeting fierce wind. The gusty wind will soon die down. Our Master is never too late. Jesus was watching the demonic drama from the hill side. He walked to the boat on the waters and windy waves to them. As soon as He got into the boat the storm calmed down. Jesus will never be too late to rescue us from the ghastly storm. Trust Him in the tempest.        

  1. Sight: Remember faith operates on what it hears and not what it sees. For we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). If Jesus says, we are going to the other side, a storm, squall or struggle cannot stop us. We might be stuck momentarily but we can never be stopped or sunk! When you cannot see Him, trust the still small voice in your heart. The tempest is temporary.    
  1. Secure: Our destiny is secured in the divine direction. God does not plan the future after He begins the journey. He completed the blueprint before He forms us in our mother’s womb. Our destiny is predetermined.

When you cannot make sense, stop scrutinizing, keep trusting and rowing.  

Matthew 14:32 When they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.

Prayer: Divine Instructor, teach me to trust your voice when I cannot see your hand. Amen.

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