22 February 2022 – What do you do? – Part 4

Acts 16:6 Paul and his friends went through Phrygia and Galatia, but the Holy Spirit would not let them preach in Asia.

What do you do when God says “no”? What do you do when God closes a door that would make logical sense to automatically open? What do you do when you are forbidden to do what you have been called and anointed to do? The natural reaction would be to question our calling and our appointment both in the spiritual and the natural? We will be bombarded with questions and confusions about our job, ministry, relationships or business.   

Paul was a missionary giant anointed to carry the gospel to the Gentiles. Asia or Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) was on the way from Galatia. It would have been economical and efficient to cover Asia Minor on the way but the Holy Spirit stopped him from entering Asia (Turkey). However, Paul was directed in a dream to travel to Macedonia which is modern day Greece. During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” (Acts 16:9). God had prepared the heart of a wealthy businesswoman, Lydia, to receive Jesus as her personal saviour in Philippi, (a prominent city in the province of Macedonia). Paul had an open door in Macedonia and they could inaugurate a church in the luxurious, palatial home of Lydia.

What do you do when God says “no”?  

1.     Temporary: God’s “no” is to redirect us toward a bigger and brighter “yes”. Even though God stopped Paul from going to Asia (Turkey), Lydia was from the city of Thyatira, an ancient city in Asia Minor (Turkey)! The city of Philippi was more ready and ripe to accept the preaching of PaulWhat was economical was not efficient in God’s economy. So joyfully accept a closed door for a ministry, rejection in a relationship or a decline of a job application. God’s “no” is a temporary suspension for a permanent “yes”.         

  1. Transitory: God’s “no” is a transit to a safe traverse in the divine trajectory. After ministering in different major hubs in Greece, Paul arrived in Ephesus, Asia Minor in Acts chapter 19. Paul remained in Ephesus, a pagan ghetto steeped in idolatry and immorality, for over 2 years.  Don’t be discouraged with delays. The missed promotions, opportunities or recognitions are only like missing the wrong flight. Praise God for the temporary disruptions and redirections. Temporary transits are preparatory detentions for divine destinations.    
  1. Test: A shut door is to test us to trust God with our travel plans. The way we handle “no” as an answer will decide the size of our next assignment. When logical calculations and intelligent deliberation fail, just surrender and trust God. When the finance or the job opening doesn’t come through on time; when a relationship falls apart after immense effort, it is a test to trust God’s wisdom and His GPS. God’s ‘no’ is the test to trust.

When God says “no” accept His “no” with a big smile and a big “yes”.  

Acts 19:11 God did extraordinary miracles through Paul.

Prayer: Divine Director, be my GPS to travel through most effectively not just economically. Amen.

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