28 February 2022 – Musical Mysteries – Part 3

I Kings 3:15-16 “Now bring me a harpist.” While the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came on Elisha and he said, “This is what the Lord says: I will fill this valley with pools of water.

 “Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”- Maria Van Trapp

Music, singing  and instruments alleviate stress and alter our mood to the mode of worship. Music is the means that connects our soul to the Saviour. Our hands are the percussion (drumming) instruments and our vocal chords are the wind instruments. It doesn’t matter if our voice is untrained and croaky, or if we miss the beat, pitch or the rhythm, when we sing from our heart, our praise will fill us with the presence of the Lord.

Elisha called for a harpist in the middle of the battlefield. Did you know that singing stimulates the “vagus nerve”? The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body, connecting the brain to the various organs. It influences breathing, digestion and heart rate among other things. A study conducted in 2016 confirms that the more you increase your vagal tone the more your physical and mental health improves and the faster you can relax after stress. Hence our vagal tone plays a vital role in connecting us with the presence of God.  

On the contrary listening to the wrong music and meditating on words that stimulate animosity, anger or antagonism will arouse arrogance and violence. The song “Gloomy Sunday” composed by Rezső Seress is linked to more suicide than any other song. BBC banned playing it and it was also banned in France and England. Time Magazine published an article linking the song to several deaths.   

Music is like the magic key:

1.     Alleviates: Music, praise and worship alleviate pain. Worship songs are the best stress relieving pills. Start your day with worship music. Sing no matter how you sound; even our amature, yet sincere, voice will sound like the chirping of the songbirds of Heaven. Godly music alleviates the soul; Music is a stress reliever.            

  1. Mitigates: Music has a mitigating effect on our nervous system. Music and words eases pain, clears doubts and accentuates the goodness of God. As we start singing, praising and worshipping, doubt vanishes, questions fade away and gratitude surges. Godly music moderates our moods.
  1. Elevates: Music elevates us from the natural to the spiritual realm. When Elisha started singing with the guitarist (harpist), the hand of the Lord gave him a word of wisdom to encourage the crowd who were dying of dehydration. Similarly, satanic worship excites demonic desires. They stimulate themselves with drugs and drinks and commit horrific mistakes. Godly music elevates us into the Heavenly realm whereas demonic music degrades us into the dungeon.  

Music alleviates, mitigates and elevates.

Psalm 96:1 Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Prayer: Pappa God, guide me to choose the music that will alleviate pain, mitigate stress and elevate my soul. Amen.

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