08 March 2022 – The Shepherd’s Staff – Part 4

Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Sheep are very timid animals and would flee from danger when they perceive threat. They have very little ability to defend themselves. They can neither bite nor bark. They can probably burr with fear dripping down their dribble!  Sheep have excellent peripheral vision and can see behind themselves without turning their heads. However, they have poor depth perception. They cannot see immediately in front of their noses. Hence walking through a deep dark valley would be very difficult  for the sheep. The shepherds in Israel lead their flock through the ravines especially during the dry summer seasons to find still waters. However, the sheep hate the steep, shady and shadowed slopes.

We are like sheep that hate the dangerous uncertainties and unforeseen valleys. In shady valleys of recession,  dark dungeons of oppression, illness and emotional cacophony we become like frazzled sheep as we lack perception and discernment.  However, the flock of the Good Shepherd Jesus, knows no fear. There is no valley of scarcity, sickness or sin that is too deep from the Shepherd’s staff to reach.  

The demonic prowler is roaming and roaring to devour the sheep from the flock of God. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8). However, the flock of the Good Shepherd will only go through ‘the shadows of the danger’ but will not be devoured by the sedition of the demonic destroyer. Shadows are shady but shadows don’t hurt. The roaring lion is only a shadow. He intimidates us but cannot harm us.

The Good Shepherd rescues:

1.     Shady: The Shepherd will save us from the shady relationships and satanic snares. Keep me from the snare, which they have laid for me, and from the stumbling blocks of them that work iniquity (Psalm 141:9).  The Good Shepherd rescues us from shady, suspicious and spooky shacks.          

  1. Stick: A Shepherd’s rod is his weapon to protect his timid sheep from the predators. We are not as smart as we think we are! We need the shepherds’ rod to protect us from the demonic beasts that come to steal, kill and destroy. Surely God will crush the heads of His enemies (Psalm 68:21a). The Good Shepherd strikes our enemies with His rod.
  1. Staff: The shepherd’s staff is a symbol of comfort, care and concern. The long curvy crook is used to guide and tend the sheep when they go astray. When we are entangled in the scum of sin or the cruelty of curses, it is the Shepherd’s crook that pulls us out of the ditch or the thorny bushes.  The Shepherd staff delivers.    

Our Good Shepherd saves and sets us free.

Isaiah 40:11 “Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His arm He will gather the lambs, and carry them in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes”.

Prayer: Jesus my Good Shepherd, I am your sheep so, I know no fear. The shady, shadows of disease, danger or death cannot hurt me.  Amen.

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