10 March 2022 – The Shepherd’s Staff – Part 6

Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

The metaphor of this poetic psalm (Psalm 23) changes from a sheep to a redeem a slave, after verse 5. Bible scholars believe that this psalm was written by the matured King David after he was enthroned as the “Shepherd King”. You would never see sheep seated at an extravagant banquet. However, from the royal recliner, David envisaged the flock grazing on the green plateau of pastures. He painted this portrait visualizing how God had shepherded him through the tough traverse of hardships, hostility and horrendous valley of hatred to the imperial empire.

The Good Shepherd leads his flock to the highland which is like the feasting table for the sheep.  While the naïve sheep enjoy the greenery, they are watched by wild dogs, wolves, beasts and bears. The flock is completely oblivious to the watching predators as they are protected by the shepherd. The shepherd also smears aromatic anointing oil on them to keep nose flies away. The nose flies lay eggs on the nose of sheep causing distress and irritation to the sheep. The anointing oil protects the sheep from nose flies and fleas.

Similarly, the eyes of the diabolical destroyers are watching us as God leads us on a red carpet to the plush pastures of honour and glory. However, they cannot mess with our advancement as “He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps” (Israel 121:4). Remember we are not beyond the visibility but we are far beyond the accessibility of the enemy. The anointing destroys demons.

The Good Shepherd exhilarates:

1.     Table: To the enduring sheep that hike through the steep mountainous slopes there is a plateau of green pasture waiting. Likewise, the table of honour awaits the saint who persists through tests and trials. On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food (Isaiah 25:6a). Endurance leads us to the table of exultation.         

  1. Testimony: Not everyone will appreciate, encourage or value you. David had enemies too. King Saul’s family was against him, even his own son mustered a coup against him yet the Lord stood up to testify for David. ‘I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart’ (Acts 13:22). The false witnesses, slanders or disparaging comments have no value in the courtroom of Heaven. Only the testimony of the Lord will stand. God’s testimony is the crown at the table of promotion.
  1. Triumph: As the sheep are unaware of the watching predators, we are also totally unaware of the demonic eyes that are watching us. The triumph at the table of elation will be witnessed by the predators yet, their fangs have been pulled out and their claws have been weakened. They can see us, yet, cannot tamper with our triumph. The table of triumph is not a private affair but a public event.   

Our Good Shepherd promotes us to the table of honour.

Psalm 92:10 But my horn hast thou exalted like the horn of the wild-ox: I am anointed with fresh oil.

Prayer: Divine Daddy, thank you for the reassurance that the enemies will watch my promotion but cannot stagger or stop my progress.  Amen.

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