12 March 2022 – Miraculous March – Part 1

Mark 5:36 Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

The mandate for miracles is not complicated and unattainable. Little mercies bring mighty miracles. When we fail to see, nourish and praise God for the little mercies, we will miss the crescendo of breakthroughs. Miracles are built with the bricks of faith, trust and belief.

The only daughter of the synagogue ruler, Jairus, was dying of a malignant illness that could only be healed by a miraculous touch. The wealthy leader who could not get medical remedy fell at the feet of Jesus, pleading for His touch. The miraculous cure that the daughter of Jairus experienced commenced when Jesus entered the village, not just when He entered their house. When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around Him while He was by the lake (Mark 5:21). The first miracle was when Jesus was available in the town where Jairus needed a miracle. The second miracle was Jesus readily agreeing to visit the house of Jairus. The divine calendar coincided with the plea of the desperate father. As they were prodding through the pressing crowd, the news about his daughter’s death was announced. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?” (Mark 5:35b). Which is when Jesus turned around and said, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” The belief brought the breakthrough.

To experience a miracle, we must grow bigger than the perilous problem and humongous mountain. The size of the mountain remains the same, it is our ‘belief’ that grows bigger or smaller.

Mandate for miracle:

1.     Mountain: The moment Jairus met Jesus, the mountain of malignant disease started growing smaller. Jairus started growing taller than the mountain and was going to step over it before he got the news that the child had died. Before the grand finale of the breakthrough for our ardent prayers, God will give us many miraculous steps to grow our faith.  We would wake up with an encouraging verse, an affirmation from a friend or a good medical advice. These little miracles that help us to grow bigger than the mountain.  Celebrate the little miracles and grow bigger than the mountain.        

  1. Molehill: The weapon that downsizes a mountain to a molehill is “belief”. The world of Jairus crashed when he heard that his daughter was dead. Jesus did not assure him that He would raise his daughter from the dead, He said “just believe”. The mandate to experience the miracle is to beat down the mountain of unbelief by trusting God. Crush and step over the mountain of unbelief into a molehill.
  1. Masticate: Munch the thoughts of unbelief and spew them out. Don’t meditate but munch and masticate unbelief.  We will grow smaller and the mountain will grow bigger when we wallow in fear. Rejoice in the everyday mercies of meeting, talking and walking with Jesus. Praise grows faith and masticates the mountain of fear.   

The mandate to enjoy miracles is to just believe. March victoriously into a miraculous March.

Mark 5:41 He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”).

Prayer: Jesus, my Miracle worker, I will celebrate the little mercies that build up my belief to step over the mountain and experience the miracle.  Amen.

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