15 March 2022 – Miraculous March – Part 4

John 11:40 Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the Glory of God?”.

Miracles might be supernatural to us but they are natural to God. God’s natural realm is “the supernatural”. This means, when God’s presence becomes real and tangible, miracles automatically happen. The manifestation of the presence of God is the experience of receiving a miracle. Hence we need not seek a miraculous power, all we have to desire is only His awesome presence. God of the supernatural is also the God of the natural. The Lord God does not get involved only in a worship service, He also wants to be part of our walking, working and day to day life. When He is engaged in our conversations and our words will release the miracle working power of God.

“Glory of God” is God’s nature displayed on the earth. “Glory” means magnificence, splendor and wonder. Another vital mandate to receive a miracle is to engage the Almighty in our everyday life. When Christ is part of our normal life, extraordinary occurrences will become ordinary. When Jesus was walking by the streets, the blind were healed, the hemorrhage of the bleeding woman was cured and the lives of the notorious sinners were transformed. He did not conduct a crusade to raise the dead and heal the lame, His presence unraveled supernatural miracles. The witnesses proclaimed, “We have never seen anything like this!” (Mark 2:12b). Miracles will be part of our everyday life when the Miracle Worker, Jesus is the unseen welcomed, cherished and respected guest in our hearts and home. His presence turns the natural into supernatural.

Mandate-4: Miracles reveal the nature and the presence of God.

1.     Natural: Jesus was walking through the town of Jericho  and He caught the eyes of a wealthy, chief tax collector’s eyes gazing at Him from the top of a tree. Our run in the tracks or time at the Gym could turn into a revival meeting when Jesus comes to exercise with us. When the supernatural is embedded into our natural, we will experience miracles in our daily walks. Supernatural is God’s natural realm.         

2.     Normal: Miracles can be experienced in our mundane routines when His presence accompanies us like a shadow. As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as He passed by (Acts 5:15). Peter’s visit to the shops and the synagogue healed the sick. Our visits to the supermarket can turn into miracle meetings when Jesus overshadows us. Normal can turn into supernormal.   

  1. Neutral: God is impartial, unbiased and unprejudiced. We can experience miracles only when we are truthful, forgiving and righteous. God loves our enemies as much as He loves us. So, just calling on the name of Jesus does not unfold miracles; only standing for what is right and just will. Neutrality (impartiality) makes our prayers supersonic.        

Mandate 4 – Miracles are God’s mundane natural realm. March into a miraculous March.

Luke 19:1 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, be my companion always and manifest your miraculous presence in my mundane.  Amen.

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