19 March 2022 – The Power of Two – Part 1

Genesis 2:18 “Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him'”.

After the Lord God created the sun, the moon, the seas and the vast oceans, humongous mountain peaks, sea creatures, crawling creatures, animals, birds, reptiles and mammals “God saw that it was good”. Then the Lord God created man in His own image. God saw all that He had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31a).  However, in the next chapter, God saw something that was missing in His “very good creation”. He noticed that the loneliness of man was not good. Adam was not alone. He had cats, cheetahs and cattle as his companions yet they were not compatible. He could not brainstorm, discuss, be inspired by their ideas or have a meaningful conversation with them. Hence the Lord God created a help-mate for him.

The above verse is not restricted to a marital covenant. It is an inclusive verse and not an exclusive scripture. The Hebrew word ‘ezer’ simply means helper. Humans were not designed to live in isolation without interaction, interconnection and interexchange of emotions and thoughts. The foremost purpose of family, friends and fellowships is for interrelations, communication and exchange of emotions.

“We are created for community, fashioned for fellowship, formed for a family, and none of us can fulfill God’s purpose by ourselves” – Rick Warren.

Hence, God’s “very good” creation, “humanity”, will not be able to fulfill its purpose without a community. Isolation is the purpose stealer of humanity.

The power of two:

1.     Helpline: It is vital to have Godly mentors, counselors and advisers to pour into our lives. We can have more than one mentor. The mentors who minister through podcasts need not have a personal relationship with us yet can profoundly impact our choices and decisions. Listening to the right counselors is crucial when we go through a crisis. Our ultimate helpline is Jesus. ‘0800JESUS’ is a helpline that is never engaged, never busy or never disconnected. Jesus will direct us to Godly guides to walk alongside and help us.   

2.     Helpdesk: Humility to dial the helpline, listen, learn, correct and change with a teachable spirit will make us a “helpdesk”. Those who don’t know how to take help can never help with empathy and insight. “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Lending a helping hand to a flail friend, encouraging, imparting wisdom, sharing a shoulder and instructing life -giving scripture into a dry and desperate soul makes us a human-helpdesk.

  1. Help: We can only give the time, energy and knowledge that we have. We need not go out of our way, climb over mountains, swim across seas to help. When we overflow with the wealth of Godly wisdom, God will draw the needy to us.

Humans were not created to live alone. We are emotional beings who have the secret need to share, give and receive.

Genesis 2:22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib, and He brought her to the man.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, You are my compassionate Father and faithful friend at all times. May I be your helpline to the needy and a helpdesk when in need.  Amen.

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