20 March 2022 – The Power of Two – Part 2

Matthew 18:19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

Agreement makes the prayer of two ‘supersonic’. Agreement is like a chariot that moves swiftly by two horses galloping in alignment. Prayer in unison is like a missile that penetrates through the powers of darkness and tears down strongholds. Prayer with oneness is like an atom bomb that blows up the plots of hell and discombobulates the ploy of the enemy. “One man will chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight” (Deuteronomy 32:30). Prayer of one chases a thousand demons, prayer of two in agreement will hound ten thousand demons back to hell. Hell trembles at a prayer meeting and shudders at a praying couple who partner in unity. There is tremendous power in agreement and unity in prayer. “United we stand, divided we fall.”  

Joshua sent two scouts to spy Jericho. The names of the ‘Israelite intelligence security team’ was not published in the Bible but they operated with ethical excellence and intellectual brilliance as they acted in agreement. They made a smart move to enter the house of the prostitute. The house of the harlot would be the hub of secretive information. One of the spies must have taken the lead to dare to enter the house of a prostitute. Since the other team members worked alongside in agreement, they were able to successfully bring down the fortified walls of Jericho.  

Prayer in agreement brings down the strongholds of witchcraft, sorcery, jealousy, hostility, hatred, debt, sickness or licentiousness. Agreement on any issue under the umbrella of God’s will, turns our prayer into a dynamite to destroy the diabolical throttlehold.

The power of two:

1.     Agreement: The probability of two to agree on any issue is only 50%. It is almost impossible to demolish demonic strongholds without agreement. Analyze and agree on what is right. The devil will make a mockery of the prayer made in disunity and annul it as invalid.  We need not agree on the details but should agree on the power of God who is able. Agreement on the principle, not necessarily on the process, brings progress

2.     Authority: There is authority in agreement. It is easier to exercise authority and win together than to fight alone. Prayer of one releases a legion (6,000) but prayer of two in agreement releases 60,000 combat angels to fight on our behalf. We become bold and authoritative when we touch and agree in prayer.

  1. Advancement: There is forceful movement and vigorous advancement when we operate in agreement.  “It’s not a team with the best players that wins. It is the team with the best attitude that wins”. We can invade, annihilate and overthrow the demonic ghettos when we pray in agreement. Agree and advance.

Couple with a trustworthy friend, a sincere spouse or a powerful prayer partner to bulldoze the demonic strongholds.

Amos 3:3 Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?

Prayer: Triune God, teach me the power of agreement and the influence of unity to advance and obliterate strongholds.  Amen.

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