23 March 2022 – The Power of Two – Part 5

Exodus 17:12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.

Hand-eye coordination is also referred to as “the fundamental cognitive skill”. It is the ability to do activities that require the simultaneous use of our hands and eyes. The activity uses the information from the eyes and guides our hands to carry out a movement. Individuals who have poor cognitive skills may find it difficult to play sports, hit or catch a ball.The Bible allegorically teaches us that we are like the different parts of the body. Some are called to be the eyes and others to be hands, legs, ears, tongue or a vital internal organ that cannot be seen. Disunity among a ‘body of individuals’ in a family, community or church will cause cognitive disorder. The eye will aim to accomplish a task but the hand will fail to co-operate as there is lack of coordination. Co-operation and cognitive inter-dependence is the power of two.

Moses was in the posture of prayer on top of a hill while Joshua fought a fierce battle in the valley. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning (Exodus 17:11). Aaron, the brother of Moses and Hur the brother-in-law of Moses (husband of Miriam) came up with a brilliant idea to support the weary hands of Moses. Without disturbing the posture or the power of prayer, they sat him down on a stone and both of them stood next to him, scaffolding his hands. They sacrificially stood the entire day so that Moses could sit and succinctly pray for their success. This incident clearly paints a picture of the power of two supportive, suggestive and sacrificial comrades.

Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results” – Ifeanyi Onuoha.      

The power of two:

1.     Supportive: The power of two can be effective only when our ideas are supportive and not aggressive. Egotism within any group of any size will only cause malfunction. Be supportive, not pushy to your spouse, mates or colleagues. Be supportive, not bossy.

2.     Suggestive: Two is better than one when our views are suggestive and not directive. When one person becomes dictatorial, unity breaks down. A suggestive person conveys his ideas and waits for the others to digest and react but a dictator pays no attention to the opinions of others. Be suggestive, not authoritative.     

  1. Selective: Team power is most effective when we are selective and not intrusive. We need not have an opinion about everything. Respecting the independence within the interdependence will bring the best output in a team project. Be selective, not invasive.  

The secret in the power of two is cognitive coordination and conscious co-operation.

Exodus 17:13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.

Prayer: Father God, teach me the art of being independent yet, interdependent and to respectfully be supportive, suggestive and selective in my communication.  Amen.

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