30 March 2022 – Seven Good Habits – Part 5

James 1:19 Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

Listening is a ‘finely tuned art’. There are radio waves in almost any environment but unless we tune to the frequency, we will not be able to receive the radio signals. Twittering, hissing or buzzing sounds indicate that there are interferences in the signal. Similarly, stress, sin or strife are distractions that will interfere with the heavenly signals. Listening to God is a trained and tuned art. The process of ‘training to listen’ is to discipline our mind to be still. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). We can hear Him only when the fluttering mind and flail heart calms down at the feet of the Saviour. “God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer” – Mother Teresa.

The difference between hearing and listening is paying attention. Hearing tells us that the music is playing, but listening tells us what the song is saying. This is why it is important to talk less and listen more during our time of prayer to the All-knowing, Omnipotent God. Listening to God is no different to listening to humans. Ask a question and wait for Him to answer. “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” —Bryant McGill”. Two simple clues to discern the voice of God from the noise of demons or our own voice. Firstly, God will not instruct us to do anything that is not written in the Bible. His voice will always be backed up by scripture. Secondly, God will give us promises beyond our capacity and entrust us with tasks way beyond our capability but there will be a tranquility that will be beyond human understanding.

The fifth good habit is to train ourselves to “listen”:

1.     Insinuation: Listening to ourselves will coil us into imaginary fear and insulting insinuation. When we hear “give up”, “it’s too hard” or “be complacent” it is our own human voice. Self defeating, demeaning or damaging voices could be our own fear, insecurities and low self-esteem. Defeat the voice of insinuations.   

2.     Temptation: Listening to satan will lead us into temptations. The noise of the demons would be, “just taste a little”, “a little fun will not harm”, “do it now and go back for confession later”. The same voice that tempts us to sin will be the same noise that will intimidate us that we are doomed forever – “you’ve messed up too bad” or “you are beyond redemption”. Run from temptation.       

  1. Inspiration: The still small voice of the Saviour are divine inspirations. God’s voice will instill hope in a hopeless situation. His voice will transcend all darkness, desperation and discouragement and fill our whole being with promises and peace. Tune-in to receive the Heavenly signals of divine inspirations.

Develop the skill of ‘listening to His voice’, every day, every hour.

Matthew 15:10 Jesus called the crowd to Him and said, “Listen and understand”.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to train my thoughts and tongue to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Amen.

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