02 April 2022 – Burdens into Blessings – Part 1

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved.

The burdens of the soul are “worries, anxiety and stress”. After four decades of research in mental health, Dr. Caroline Leaf boldly concludes that anxiety, depression, frustration, irritation, mood swings or even the severe issues like psychotic breakdowns are only responses to crucible circumstances. “Anxiety and depression are not brain illnesses. They are not neuropsychiatric brain diseases. They are warning symptoms, signals telling us that we need to find out and sort out the root cause and find a way of coping” – Dr. Caroline Leaf. Burdens on our shoulders can be shifted or lifted but burdens of the soul are crushing and contemptuous.

Most times we are the enemy to our soul as we entertain worry to grow into anxiety. Stress and the fierce cold wind of fear will push us into depression. Usually, 30% of the population in the world had some form of mental health issues however, after the pandemic this statistics has tripled! Burdens don’t start as a huge colossus boulder. Its starts as a qualm which turns into a nagging doubt. Doubt fanned and fueled by fear will turn into anxiety and extreme anxiety leads to depression. David lightened his burdens by speaking to his soul, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” (Psalms 42:5). Talking to our soul to be still and trusting God, alleviates burdens. “Your best friend is yourself”.

Three ways to lighten the burdens of our soul:

1.     Speak: When the weight of our burdens slows us down, we must sit down and speak to our soul even before we start praying. If not, we will only lament, complain or cry in the prayer closet. Stop ruminating on the formidable circumstance and start meditating on the promises of God. His promises are free coupons that will never get used if we don’t claim them. Worrying and overthinking is a form of meditation, so transform the problem into power by turning worry into worship. Speak to your soul.    

2.     Shoot: Shoot your worries as succinct arrow prayers to Heaven throughout the day. Pray when the doubt disturbs and distracts, pray when an evil foreboding covers like a blanket, pray before talking to your boss, before starting a project or submitting an assignment. Don’t run to the phone but shoot arrow prayers. Shooting quick prayers to Heaven throughout the day keeps the mind healthy, stress-free and wise. Shoot arrow prayers.      

  1. Sync: Once our mind has synchronized with God’s mind, stress can never overtake or drown us. To synchronize two devices, there must be a common account. Similarly, the common language that syncs humanity with divinity is the Bible. We will synchronize with the mind of God as we speak and confess His word and trust His omnipotence. Synchronize with the mind of God.

Meditating on the promises turns burdens into blessings.

1 Peter 5:7  Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for us.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, help me to turn my worries into worship. Amen.

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