07 April 2022 – Burdens into Blessings – Part 6

Luke 15:20b But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

Carrying the burden ‘of our children’ or ‘for our children’ is a blessing. Bringing up children is never easy. The challenges of kindergarten only get weightier as they grow up into teens and young adults. Then, when they leave home, the emptiness will be the heaviest lumber we have ever carried. Hence the burden for their souls and their salvation will turn into our greatest blessing if we leverage it well with fasting and prayer.

The father of the spoilt prodigal son was a perfect example of a praying parent.  The father raised two sons, one turned out to be responsible and the other rebellious. The disobedient second son demanded for his share of the property and left to swindle his possessions. The father didn’t give up on the wayward son.  His persevering prayers found the prodigal in the pigs pen. The father overlooked the present and gazed at the road with longing expectation for the return of his lost son. His faith and fasting were rewarded!

“There is no demon in hell that is strong enough to pluck a child from the arms of a praying mother”. A heathen Canaanite woman came to Jesus with a petition, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is tormented by a demon.” (Matthew 15:22). She would not leave until she caught the attention of Jesus.

A father once brought his son with epilepsy to the disciple of Jesus but they could not heal him. “Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. (Matthew 17:15).  The father refused to leave until he met with Jesus and received the miracle.

A parent who travails in fasting and prayer will turn the burden of sickness or rebellion of their child into blessing.

‘Three don’ts to turn the burden into a blessing:

1.     Denial: Denying the truth doesn’t change the facts. When the disappointment becomes excruciatingly painful, don’t pretend that it doesn’t hurt. Tears are also a powerful prayer when we are at a loss of words. Incessant prayer yields rewards. Don’t live in denial.   

2.     Discrimination: Comparison, discrimination and favoritism inculcate insecurity and low self esteem. Isaac and Rebecca failed as parents as they picked their favorite child which caused dysfunction and deviousness to creep into their family. Don’t discriminate.    

  1. Dream: Let children pursue their dreams. “Asking your children to carry the burden of your dreams is the worst form of child labour” – Thibaut. It is wrong for parents to thrust their unfulfilled dreams on their children. We can mold and direct the dreams of our children but we cannot shovel our dreams on them.  Don’t dream for your children.

Parents who fast and pray for their children turn the burdens into blessings.

Isaiah 49:25b I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.

Prayer: Father God, give me the tenacity to travail in fasting and prayer for my children, spouse and the wayward family members. Amen.

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