08 April 2022 – Burdens into Blessings – Part 7

Matthew 11:28&30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Jesus makes a distinction between the “carnal burden” and the “Christ-centered burden” in the above verses. The burden of sin is slavery but the burden of Godliness is liberty. The yoke that satan thrusts on our shoulders cripples, but the yoke that Christ Jesus lays on us – liberation. The entangling burden of sin stigmatizes us but the enamouring yoke of Christ encourages us. The burden of being ostracized for saying ‘no’ to injustice, enticements and temptations is lighter than the burden of guilt, transgression and disobedience. Repeated transgressions chain us with the shackle of curses and condemnation.

The secret to the weightless yoke is becoming insensitive to temptations and sensitive to the voice of Christ Jesus. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God – Colossians 3:3. We don’t have to drag the weightiness of living a perfect and pristine life. Jesus shoulders the yoke of our responsibilities, commission and missions. The burden of responsibilities that Jesus gives us also comes with rest as we are hidden within His secured bosom. Under His shelter we will rest in His presence, peace and protection. “Everyone has a burden, what matters is how we carry it”. Sinful lifestyle is like sinking sand. The longer we stay, the deeper we will sink. Righteous living firmly plants us on solid grounds. While repeated sin bridles us to a leash and allows demons to drag us around, virtuous lifestyle is the covert to freedom.

The easy yoke and the light burden of Christ:

1.     Bold: The assurance that we are hidden in Christ and that He is shouldering our responsibilities/(yokes) makes us courageous. Financial pressure, peer pressure or performance pressure cannot intimidate us. Our confidence will be in Him and not in our own ability. The yoke of Christ makes us bold.   

2.     Benevolent: Divine balanced benevolence will clothe us when we take up the yoke of Christ Jesus. We will be clothed with compassion for dying souls and darkened hearts. We will be sheathed with love to pray for those who have hurt, slandered and even defamed us.  The yoke of Christ makes us benevolent.

  1. Betrothed: The confidence that we carry the surname of Christ Jesus will make us secure. We will never compare ourselves with others but will enjoy our colour, creed, career and calling. The burden that we carry to win souls is our wedding ring. The yoke of Christ is the marriage certificate that validates our betrothal with the risen Saviour.  

The yoke of Jesus is easy and the burden of Christ is light as He bears the burden for us.

Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Prayer: Father Divine, I desire your yoke that is light and your burden that is easy. Help me to rest within you and enjoy the walk of freedom with you. Amen.

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