10 April 2022 – A Day at Hell – Part 2

Mark 5:22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.

Jesus was a ‘hell fire’ preacher. In His very first sermon on the mount He spoke about the hell of fire. Not believing that there is hell does not make it disappear. Anyone who is angry, annoyed and astringent becomes an agent of hell. The tongue and throat of an acidic accuser and bitter insulter resounds the noise of hell. The judgemental, self-righteous and egoistic are representatives of hell on earth.

Hell is a place that is burning with revenge, rage and ravenousness. The ranks of demons assemble to discuss different people groups every day. The most discussed crowd would be followers of Jesus, families and church fellowships. Demon gangs are assigned daily duties to sow discord in families and disunity among the brethren. Every time we get irritated with a family member or are incited by a friend, remember missionaries of hell are in operation to plant misery into our lives. Family prayer, forgiveness and forbearance sabotages the assignment of hell, disperses the demonic assembly and destroys their operation. Though they intended evil against You, and devised a plot, they will not succeed (Psalm 21:11).     

Let us take a peep into hell and examine the intruding strategies and work-in-progress meetings of the diabolical ghetto:

1.     Assembly: Demons can do nothing without a human body. Hence, they inject jealousy, pride and hatred into our minds to destroy the unity in our families and communities. I do not sit with deceitful men, nor keep company with hypocrites (Psalm 26:4). The company of gossipers are surrounded by dozens of demons, provoking, promoting and pouting dissension. Walk away from slanderers and shame the demons.   

2.     Assignment: Demons are relentless in attempting to tempt and lure us into sin. That is their full time job. Lustful demons, anger tantrum demons, boastful demons, filthy language demons are experts in their field as they have been doing the same job for over 6,000 years! If we entertain wrongful thoughts, it will push us into willful sin. Don’t aid the demons to fulfill their assignment. Replace ugly thoughts with Godly rumination.

  1. Account: The demons report back their achievements and failures for every task assigned to them in their WIP (Work-In-Progress) meetings. Every time we shun the persuasion of the demons, they get slapped in hell for their malfunction. On the contrary when we give in to a spur of anger or an outburst of rage, there is a celebration for ‘mission accomplished’, on our account in hell! Slamming the door of temptation crumples the strategies of hell. May the report about us always be ‘mission failed’ in hell.     

Hell is enraged with revenge, hatred and envy.

James 4:7b “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

Prayer: Dear Jesus, may I never fall into the trap of the irritating, insulting or insinuating demons. May the report about me always be a ‘mission failed’ in hell. Amen.

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