11 April 2022 – A Day at Hell – Part 3

Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

Hell is hot! You would hear people joking that they are going to hell to have a party as their friends who are already there! Hell is scorching hot to have a party. Not believing in hell doesn’t lower the temperature down there one degree – Neil Anderson. When Jesus preached about the hell of fire, the Israelite audience saw the vivid portrait of hell as the simmering flames of the ravine of Gehenna. Gehenna is a steep abyss in the southwestern corner of Jerusalem, in the valley of Hinnom. This was originally a place where the wicked king Ahaz and Manasseh practiced human sacrifice to the repugnant deity Molech. To deconsecrate this place, a righteous ruler King Josiah turned this gorge into a garbage dump of the city waste and animal offal. The landfill was always burning with replenished loads of rubbish dumps every day. Hell is referred to as Gehenna, the smoldering junkyard.

Hell is always meant to be a garbage dump. It is the final destination for the deceiver satan and his fallen disobedient angels. But misery loves company. Hence the evil demonic forces are relentlessly trying to pull as many precious souls as they can into Gehenna. A compassionate and loving God would never send His creations to hell. He did everything He could to stop and save humanity from being doomed. Jesus suffered on the cross and died a gruesome death to stop us from hell. People will not be in hell because God did not want them, but because they did not want Him.

Heat waves of hell are felt in the abuse, violence, merciless murders, outburst of wrath, and in cannibalistic and beastly behaviours. Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Hell is the eternal destiny of satan who is the embodiment of all evil, debauchery and deception.

Let us take a peep into the heat waves of hell:

1.     Hunger: An insatiable hunger for brutality, wickedness and infidelity are the cravings in hell. The devouring hunger of hell never says enough to stolen souls. Sheol, the barren womb, land never satisfied with water, and fire that never says, ‘Enough!’ (Proverbs 30:16). There is a voracious appetite for evil in hell.   

2.     Heat: The heat of hell doesn’t keep us warm, it burns and fries. The burning desire to sin and to keep on sinning is from the pit of hell. The burning passion for cheap pleasures are from the waves of hell fire.  

  1. Heap: We will see a heap of unfulfilled purposes and dreams of people stolen by pride, pomp or promiscuity in hell. As Gehenna is a heap of rubbish, rubble and rotting waste, the horror of hell will be fully blown revenge, rage, barbarous treachery and torture. Hell is a heap of wickedness.     

Hell is a smelly Gehenna of eternal evil.

Revelation 21:8b The lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for redeeming me from hell by shedding your own blood for me. As you are Holy, help me to be Holy. Amen.  

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