21 April 2022 – Heaven is Real – Part 6

Ezekiel 1:27 I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him.

Our first glimpse at the brilliance of our Saviour and the grandeur of the throne of Heaven would be rapturous. The glow, glimmer and grandeur of Heaven would plunge us into a blissful blessed enchantment. The radiance from the throne of God will be absolutely entrancing that we will not be able to take our eyes off the beauty of His holiness. One of the most ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ (FAQs) about Heaven is, “Would Heaven be boring?” “Would we be floating on clouds like chubby babies playing the harp all the time?”.

Heaven is going to be more exciting than our most ecstatic experiences on earth. Earth is a miniature version of Heaven. Moses saw the original design of the tabernacle in heaven, during his mountain top meeting with the Lord, and replicated a minuscule version on earth. They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” (Hebrews 8:5). The crescendo of our Christian life would be the first gaze into Heaven.

Three FAQs about Heaven:                                                                                                                                   

1.     Age: What is the age profile of Heaven? Thomas Aquinas, the Italian priest and scholastic philosopher argued that we will all be 33 ½ years old in Heaven as Jesus resurrected at 33 ½ years. There is no Biblical evidence for this but we can be certain that we will be in the prime of our strength, intellect and potency. Babies lost through abortion or miscarriage and Methuselah, the oldest man who lived for 969 years (Genesis 5:27), will be at their pristine age, health and brain power. We will all be in our prime in Heaven.    

2.     Animals: Are there animals in Heaven? There are many references to animals in Heaven. Isaiah 65:25; Revelation 5:13; Revelation 19:11. Jesus Himself will come down on a white horse, however the anxiety if our dogs or cats will be in Heaven is redundant as the pleasures of Heaven cannot be compared to the leisure on earth. Heaven will be blissful with puppies and ponies.

  1. Assignment: Will we work in Heaven? We are not just going to be eating, dancing and enjoying ourselves throughout eternity. We are going to rule and reign. Our faithfulness on earth will give us assignments in Heaven. “The king said to him, ‘Good job! You’re a good servant. You proved that you could be trusted with a little money. Take charge of ten cities.’. (Luke 19:17). There will be no unemployment in Heaven.       

Every moment in Heaven will be exciting, fascinating and  revelatory.  

Ezekiel 1:28 Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. When I saw it, I fell facedown.

Prayer: Amazing Father, If earth, your miniature version of Heaven is stunning and splendid, I cannot envisage the beauty of Heaven. The  more I dwell on Heaven the more I am enthused to be there. Amen.

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