23 April 2022 – Heavenly Minded – Part 1

Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

To ‘set our minds’ simply means, to reset, rewire and reprogram our thoughts to think straight. A quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. has mislead the world, “Some people are so heavenly minded that they are of no earthly good.” This false claim has swayed many away from the truth. We are made to believe that there is nothing beyond the physical and we are completely deceived. Everything tangible in the visible world has its origin in the spiritual realm. Only those who are heavenly focused will live a purposeful life and leave permanent footprints on earth that will impact many generations to come.

A transformed mind will have a reformed tongue and defined thoughts. The first change in a heavenly minded person will be in the ‘tongue’. A heavenly minded person will not engage in boastful conversations about worldly gains, achievements or riches. They will be more conscious about what God wants them to speak rather than what they want to communicate.

The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl (Revelation 21:21). The metaphoric representation of gates made of pearls typifies the character development that is required to enter into heaven. Pearls are formed by the irritation caused by a foreign substance that enters between the mantle and shell. The oyster in an attempt to protect itself secretes ‘nacre’ to cover the foreign substance that forms into pearls. Likewise, godly character is formed by secreting ‘love’ and forgiving the transgressions of others. Love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8) tenderizes our tongue and transforms our nature into precious pearls.  

Transformed Tongue:                                                                                                                                            

1.     Unbarred: A heavenly minded person is conscious and careful with his/her words. I tell you that on the day of judgment people will have to account for every careless word they speak (Matthew 12:36). Unbarred, careless or reckless comments, judgments or gossip stories only come out of a person who is unconscious of the eternal consequences. Heavenly minded never indulge in unbarred conversations.     

2.     Unbridled: A heavenly minded person has a controlled tongue as he/she is conscious of not only the human audience but also the angelic listeners. Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin, nor say before the messenger of God(angels) that it was an error. Why should God be angry at your excuse and destroy the work of your hands? (Ecclesiastes 5:6). Angels get confused if they hear us praying fervently in faith to move the mountains but lament to our friends in doubt about the impassable mountains that we are facing. We have angelic hosts as unseen guest around us all the time.  Heavenly minded bridle their tongue from doubt and disbelief.

  1. Unknown: A heavenly minded person dwells on the truth that is unknown to the world. They dwell on the promises more than the threatening voice of the diagnosis, depression or derision. Heavenly minded confess secrets unknown to the earthly minded.       

The tongue of a heavenly minded is coated with genuine love and Godly tenderness.

Proverbs 15:2 The tongue of the wise makes knowledge good, And the mouth of fools utters folly.

Prayer: Our Father in Heaven, may I reset my mind on everlasting blessings that will rearrange my earthly priorities. Amen.

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