24 April 2022 – Heavenly Minded – Part 2

Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Our time on earth is insignificant as compared to eternity which is forever and ever and ever. Most people live on earth as if this is their permanent home.  Those who are eternally minded live with the awareness that the time on earth is short and will soon fade away. The heavenly minded live consciously that  “Lost time is never found again. – James H. Aughey”. Every day, every hour and every moment is precious. Hence, Steve Jobs wisely stated, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life”.

The psalmist prayed a profound prayer, “Show me, LORD, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is” (Psalm 39:4). We don’t know our duration on earth. It could be 15, 50 or 85 years. A 30 year old young adult, who is going to live only another 5 more years, is older than the grandma who is 82 years and has another 8 more years to live. Living as a visionary and investing our time purposefully converts our time on earth into divine investments. If we live with an eternal perspective there will be very little time wasted in regret, rejection or remorse. Relationships will never be taken for granted. A reflective question to ask ourselves about the anxieties, apprehensions and animosities that erode our energy is, “Does this matter in eternity”? If the answer is no, don’t waste your time pondering over it.  

Being aware of how we spend our precious day will make us apportion our time wisely.

Heavenly Minded invest their time wisely:                                                                                                         

1.     Daily Routine: Daily routine is good but mundane activities make us rusty. Polish your routine to make it eternally useful. Even the movies we watch, the books we read and coffee dates we go to should have an eternal effect. Get away from activities or relationships that add no value to life. “He who has time to burn will never give the world much light. Killing time is not murder, it is suicide” – Myles Munroe. Ask yourself daily, “Is there value addition in my daily routine?” If the answer is ‘no’, reset your daily routines and invest into eternity.      

2.     Demonic Agenda: Devil has an agenda to waste our time. Regret of the past, rejection of the present or fear of the future are detailed in the demonic agenda. Scrolling through the posts or photos of others for hours on social media are distracting demonic plans. Self-pity, pity-parties, day-dreaming, melancholy, sulking, anger, frustration or revenge are also listed in the demonic calendar. Sabotage the demonic schedule and divest the demonic agenda.

  1. Divine Calendar: The divine calendar of God makes us cherish every moment and invest into eternity. Pray every morning for the demonic agenda to be defeated and God’s divine calendar to unfold. The divine calendar of God will help us to meet the right people, implant brilliant ideas, discover bright strategies and invest into eternity.

Heavenly minded invest their time into eternity. Before spending time on anything ask yourself, “Does this matter in eternity?”.       

Psalm 31:15a My times are in thy hand.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, May I never allow the demonic agenda of depression or regression to waste my time. Help me to walk in your divine calendar daily. Amen.

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