28 April 2022 – Heavenly Minded – Part 6

Revelation 19:10b “Worship God, because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”.

The heavenly minded understand the essence of “testimonies”. Testimonies are not detailing the record of a miracle that we have experienced or accentuating our perseverant prayers, purity or piety. Testimonies testify the power and potent of Jesus. It does not talk about our holiness. The purpose of a testimony is to instill hope and life into darkened souls. It should speak prophetically to heal, rebuild broken lives, diseased bodies and hopeless souls. Testimonies are not meant to impress people or gain popularity but to echo the compassion of the miracle man, Jesus. Hence the heavenly minded don’t survive on the validation of people but are justified by faith.

Testimonies that reverberate Christ Jesus on earth will serve as evidence of righteousness in heaven. The truthfulness and trustworthiness of Job on earth was the topic of discussion in heaven. The Lord God testified Job’s integrity to the devil. Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” (Job 1:8). At any point in time, there are three testimonials about a child of God. The testimony of God, the devil (or his demons) and people. The heavenly minded don’t allow themselves to be excited by the praise of people or dejected by the criticism of their comrades. They are only conscientious about their testimonies in heaven.         

The testimonies of the heavenly minded:                                                                                                          

1.     Family: The heavenly minded live as role models to their immediate family. Our testimonies on a pulpit must be validated on the porches and the couches of our homes. A son of a pastor once said, “On the stage it is all glory but at home it is a different story”. It was not so with Job. Job’s wife, embittered with the loss of her ten children, mocked Job’s uprightness. She said, ‘curse God and die’. But Job’s response was “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” (Job 2:10). Only when our testimonies in public are supported by sound character in private, will it have eternal value.

2.     Friends: The heavenly minded care more about their character than about charisma. They don’t seek acceptance or accolades from companions but authentication from the Lord.  Job’s best friends blamed him and inflicted painful accusations on him for the calamity. However, Job prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes (Job 42:10). Only testimonies that highlight the compassion of Christ have eternal value.  

  1. Father: The heavenly minded are concerned about the testimony of their Father in Heaven rather than the opinion or judgment of people. No one can fool God with their hypocrisy. The Lord searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts (1 Chronicle 28:9b). Only testimonies that glorify our Father in Heaven will have eternal value.

The heavenly minded testify to reveal the character of Christ, not to self-advertise/tout.

Revelation 12:11 They triumphed over him..by the word of their testimony.

Prayer: Father of Truth, may I never flaunt about my holiness in my testimonies. Help me to testify and prophecy the power of Christ to others. Amen.

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