29 April 2022 – Heavenly Minded – Part 7

1 Timothy 4:8a The victor’s crown of righteousness is now waiting for me.

The triumphs of the heavenly minded transform into divine trophies. Troubles, traumas, trials, treachery and tortures on this earth turn into trophies. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, was a Jewish Lutheran Romanian minister who was imprisoned and tortured for more than 14 years by that country’s communist regime. “A man really believes not what he recites in his creed,  but only the things he is really ready to die for” – Richard Wurmbrand. The heavenly minded embrace faith in not only in their talk, time, thoughts, talents, treasures and testimonies, but in the way they handle the tests and even the tortures for their faith.

Those who live for the trophies of heaven, do not attach any significance for the pleasures, pomp or praise of this world. If our definition of victories are defined by material possessions, mansions and money, then we are still earthbound. A timely phone call, help, hospital visit or an intercessory prayer that was never celebrated on earth will turn into treasures and trophies of Heaven. I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me’. “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’’ (Matthew 25:36&40). The unsung heroes on earth will be the celebrities of Heaven.

The triumphs of the heavenly minded:                                                                                                               

1.     Forgive: The book “In God’s Underground” Sabina Wurmbrand narrates the conversion of the coldblooded murderer who killed her parents, her sisters and her 12 year old brother. She not only forgave him but also served a hot meal with love. Her forgiveness and compassion broke the callous heart of the bloodthirsty killer. We do it to get a crown that will last forever (1 Corinthians 9:25b). Forgiveness earns us the  crown of eternal life.

2.     Forbearance: Richard Wurmbrand in his book “Tortured for Christ”  writes about the brutality of the torture that he underwent for 14 years. “In several different prisons, they broke four vertebrae in my back, and many other bones. They carved me in a dozen places. They burned and cut 18 holes in my body”. Not once did he question or accuse God. He exchanged the cuts, burns and fractures into “Crown of Glory” (1 Pet 5:4). Getting even with slanderers and the murderers leaves us dirty and miserable, but forbearance earns the crown of glory.  

  1. Faith: Faith is not just believing in the breakthroughs and blessings; faith is trusting God even in the midst of despair. As Wurmbrand was very ill he was left in “the dying  room” with the diseased prisoners. He survived two years in that room and preached to the hopeless and helpless. He says, “According to their medical books, I should have been dead for years. I know myself it is a miracleThose who endure trials faithfully will be given the Crown of Life (James 1:12).

It is the cross that we carry on earth that earns us eternal crowns that last forever.

James 1:12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life.

Prayer: Father of Compassion, may the traumas, trials and troubles of life tutor me to earn eternal crowns in Heaven. Amen.

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