03 May 2022 – Difficult Questions – Part 4

Matthew 6:27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

The statistics collated by ‘Statista’, in 2022 on “most worrying topics worldwide” listed “the pandemic” as the number one worry followed by unemployment, poverty and social inequality. The survey revealed a shocking results that almost 86% of the people describe themselves as “worriers”. Research concluded that an average person roughly spends 1 hour and 50 minutes  per day, worrying. In a lifetime of 64 years, 11 months of the average adult years would have been spent worrying. Which means almost 8% of our lifespan is wasted in worrying. 

Jesus asked the throbbing throng some very basic questions. “And why do you worry about clothes? (vs 28). ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ (vs 31). He didn’t stop with the questions.  He also gave them the antidote to treat the ‘worry virus’. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them (Vs 32b). Jesus did not say don’t pray for your needs, He only said, don’t worry about your employment, mortgage payments, the future of your children or your retirement. He also did not say ‘don’t plan for the future’ or ‘don’t save’. He only said, “Don’t worry”.

Jesus will never set goals that we cannot achieve or give us commands that we cannot follow. He gave us the way to walk over worry. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Vs 33). Jesus gave us a simple formula to live stress-free lives. “Godliness+Righteousness=PeaceXRewards”. In layman’s terms, be truthful in your dealings then, profit and perks will follow. Integrity in relationships will build faithful friendships. Honesty, humility and holiness will automatically bring promotions, people and possessions.

Three simple formulas to live stress-free lives.             

1.     Adoration: Anxiety is not a medical condition, it is a choice. We can make a conscious choice to worship rather than panic, fret or stress. Worrying doesn’t turn the red light green, it doesn’t change the doctor’s report or doesn’t open the door of employment. Worrying doesn’t make money grow on trees. Whereas, worship gives us a soul uplift. Praise turns our focus from the problem to the promises of God. Adoration alleviates anxiety.

2.     Associations: You cannot choose your family but you can choose your friends. Any association that is demanding, accusing or demeaning is not worth pursuing. “Bad friends will prevent you from having good friends” – Gabon Proverb. Traumatic, taxing and toxic associations corrupt character. “Bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33a). Crooked associations corrode peace.    

  1. Authentication: Seeking validation and acceptance from people is one of the main causes of anxiety and worry. Impressing your spouse, boss or mates is hard work and extremely stressful. Truth, integrity and authenticity will speak louder than actions and gifts. Set yourself free from pleasing people and pursue purity.  

A Godly lifestyle is a peaceful and stress-free lifestyle.

Matthew 6:34a Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Prayer: God of Creations, the petty problems that I worry about are trivial for you. May I never let anxiety and worry steal my adoration and worship. Amen.

Matthew 6:27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

The statistics collated by ‘Statista’, in 2022 on “most worrying topics worldwide” listed “the pandemic” as the number one worry followed by unemployment, poverty and social inequality. The survey revealed a shocking results that almost 86% of the people describe themselves as “worriers”. Research concluded that an average person roughly spends 1 hour and 50 minutes  per day, worrying. In a lifetime of 64 years, 11 months of the average adult years would have been spent worrying. Which means almost 8% of our lifespan is wasted in worrying. 

Jesus asked the throbbing throng some very basic questions. “And why do you worry about clothes? (vs 28). ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ (vs 31). He didn’t stop with the questions.  He also gave them the antidote to treat the ‘worry virus’. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them (Vs 32b). Jesus did not say don’t pray for your needs, He only said, don’t worry about your employment, mortgage payments, the future of your children or your retirement. He also did not say ‘don’t plan for the future’ or ‘don’t save’. He only said, “Don’t worry”.

Jesus will never set goals that we cannot achieve or give us commands that we cannot follow. He gave us the way to walk over worry. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Vs 33). Jesus gave us a simple formula to live stress-free lives. “Godliness+Righteousness=PeaceXRewards”. In layman’s terms, be truthful in your dealings then, profit and perks will follow. Integrity in relationships will build faithful friendships. Honesty, humility and holiness will automatically bring promotions, people and possessions.

Three simple formulas to live stress-free lives.             

1.     Adoration: Anxiety is not a medical condition, it is a choice. We can make a conscious choice to worship rather than panic, fret or stress. Worrying doesn’t turn the red light green, it doesn’t change the doctor’s report or doesn’t open the door of employment. Worrying doesn’t make money grow on trees. Whereas, worship gives us a soul uplift. Praise turns our focus from the problem to the promises of God. Adoration alleviates anxiety.

2.     Associations: You cannot choose your family but you can choose your friends. Any association that is demanding, accusing or demeaning is not worth pursuing. “Bad friends will prevent you from having good friends” – Gabon Proverb. Traumatic, taxing and toxic associations corrupt character. “Bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33a). Crooked associations corrode peace.    

  1. Authentication: Seeking validation and acceptance from people is one of the main causes of anxiety and worry. Impressing your spouse, boss or mates is hard work and extremely stressful. Truth, integrity and authenticity will speak louder than actions and gifts. Set yourself free from pleasing people and pursue purity.  

A Godly lifestyle is a peaceful and stress-free lifestyle.

Matthew 6:34a Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Prayer: God of Creations, the petty problems that I worry about are trivial for you. May I never let anxiety and worry steal my adoration and worship. Amen.

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